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Health Care

Have Questions About CHIP? We Have Answers!

November 27, 2017
The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which insures almost nine million children nationwide, expired on September 30th. Congress continues to delay in reauthorizing this historically bipartisan legislation. Do you have lingering questions about CHIP? Are you unsure about why it should be...
Isabella Higgins's picture

Let's Talk about Tax Policy: Really.

November 27, 2017
Too often, policy, tax and budget debates are framed in terms of winners and losers at the program, department, budget line, and income group or business level. For our families this is not wonky abstraction, it is real life, woven into every part of our days. Families raising children who have...
Rylin Rodgers's picture

Five Things Consumers Need to Know this Open Enrollment Period

November 22, 2017
The holidays will soon be upon us — and with them, for many of us, the frantic holiday shopping season. Fortunately, shopping for health insurance doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. November 1st marked the beginning of 2018 open enrollment for coverage offered under the Affordable Care...
Stephani Becker's picture

Stranger Things Happening in the Tax Bill!

November 21, 2017
I’d say it’s unbelievable, but at this point Congress really is starting to feel like a season of Stranger Things . Like the monstrous ‘Demogorgon’ that keeps coming back after it’s been sent to the ‘upside down’ (and you hope is gone forever)… the devastatingly bad Trumpcare just keeps coming back...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Support CHIP! Children’s healthcare should not be a bargaining chip for partisan politics

November 20, 2017
I knew something was “off” when my husband came home early from work unexpectedly. His face and body language told me it was something bad. I thought he was ill, or maybe a fender bender on the way home. Then he uttered the words I never expected. “Business is slow. They just laid a bunch of us off...
Tracy Brown's picture

Why America May Go to Hell!

November 17, 2017
I hope you will speak up loudly and do whatever else is necessary to stop Congress’ hugely unjust Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that rewards billionaires at the expense of poor babies and corporations at the expense of vulnerable children. Millions of America’s children today are suffering from hunger,...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

House Republican Tax Bill ‘Throws Working Families Under the Bus’

November 16, 2017
By passing a harmful, heinous tax bill, House Republicans today threw working families under the bus in order to kowtow to big corporations and the wealthiest 1 percent of people in our country. This bill will give tax breaks to those who need it least while doing real damage to our economy and...
MomsRising's picture

MomsRising on the Inclusion of the ACA Mandate Repeal in the Senate Tax Bill

November 15, 2017
Yesterday, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that the Senate tax bill would include a provision to do away with the Affordable Care Act’s mandate that all Americans have health insurance. The repeal of the individual mandate would remove the incentive for younger, healthier Americans...
MomsRising's picture

#ScaryBudget & the Health of Pregnant Women

November 13, 2017
The #ScaryBudget just passed the House and will have a devastating impact on programs such Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, Head Start, WIC, public housing and childcare assistance that pregnant women and their families rely on to live healthy lives. Check out our Storify as we talked about the #...
Tasmiha Khan's picture

Human Needs Report: Tax cut bills, disaster aid, anti-immigrant policies, and more

November 13, 2017
The Coalition on Human Needs just released the latest edition of the Human Needs Report, a regular newsletter on national policy affecting low-income and vulnerable populations. Read on for articles on the House and Senate tax cut bills, year-end spending deals, disaster aid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, policies hurting immigrant communities, and more.
Lecia Imbery's picture
