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MamásConPoder Gana el Premio Latino Diamante en Carolina del Norte

September 30, 2017
Estamos felices en anunciar que MamásConPoder, la comunidad en español de MomsRising ha sido seleccionada para recibir el Premio Diamante 2017 en la categoría de "Defensa de los Latinos." Este premio reconoce las contribuciones significativas por parte de líderes cívicos elegidos o designados por...
linda's picture

MamásConPoder Wins the Prestigious Latino Diamante Award in North Carolina

September 29, 2017
We are proud to announce that MamásConPoder, MomsRising's Spanish-language community, has been selected to receive the prestigious 2017 Latino Advocate Latino Diamante Award! This award recognizes significant contributions made by an elected or appointed civic leader or by a community organization...
linda's picture

Tell the Duluth City Council: Support Earned Sick and Safe Time!

September 28, 2017
Exciting things are afoot in Duluth. Spoiler alert: it’s something that’s a win-win-win for working families, businesses, and the Duluth economy. >>> I’m talking about earned sick and safe time for Duluth!
Sara Alcid's picture

Tax Breaks for the Wealthiest While Undermining Moms, Families, Our Economy

September 27, 2017
At a time when our country is experiencing unprecedented income inequality, with the rich getting richer and working families struggling to put food on the table and afford child care and college, the Trump administration and House and Senate Republican leaders today offered a plan that provides...
MomsRising's picture

The Moms of America Can Breathe a Sigh of Relief Today

September 26, 2017
The moms of America cheered as our nation’s health care survived another dangerous and unnecessary attack today, when Senate leaders were forced to cancel plans for a vote on yet another health care repeal bill that would have devastated the nation. Of all the proposals put forward over the past...
MomsRising's picture
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Tell the Portland City Council: Earned Sick Days are a WIN-WIN-WIN!

September 22, 2017
Exciting things are afoot in Portland, ME! Just this Monday, an earned paid sick days proposal was introduced to the City Council that would enable workers to earn up to six paid sick days each year. (Time for a major happy dance!) Earned sick days are a win-win-win for working families, businesses, and the Portland economy.
Sara Alcid's picture

Celebremos el liderazgo hispano

September 15, 2017
Este mes de herencia hispana, debemos celebrar todos los logros de la comunidad hispana en los estados unidos. Esta semana, tenía la oportunidad de asistir a la conferencia del Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. El foco de la conferencia era el liderazgo de la futura generación hispana. Era...
Isabella Higgins's picture

“Would I ever able to kiss my wife again and tell her I love her?"

September 8, 2017
Police brutalizing Black people is endemic in the United States. This disturbing practice continued last Saturday when the Las Vegas police terrorized 6'4 ft, 274 lbs NFL star and father of three young girls, Michael Bennett, who plays for the Seahawks. Using excessive force, the officers...
Patrisse Cullors's picture
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Fight this heartless move. "It's Time to Use Our Outside Voices!"

September 6, 2017
President Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is short-sighted, cruel and harmful to our nation’s economy and communities. Our country is strongest when we provide young people with hope and opportunity and when we help families stay together, not tear...
Kristin's picture

Ways to love someone through their pregnancy plan

August 18, 2017
This piece is published in partnership with Echoing Ida, a Forward Together Program. Pregnancy is one of the most life-changing times in someone’s life — usually in multiple lives. My five year journey into reproductive health was ignited after attending my first birth as a doula (a non-medical...
Bianca Campbell's picture
