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Paid Sick Days

Valuing America's working families: A Blog Carnival on Powering the Engine of America's Economic Growth

April 7, 2014
Our country's greatness was built on valuing America's working families. At MomsRising and Progressive States Network, we believe that in America, more families should be joining a thriving middle class than falling out of it -- powering the engine of America's economic growth and national...

Gross Domestic Product - What if you got paid to raise your children?

April 4, 2014
The idea to write a play about motherhood came to me when I was writing my last play, Flipside and nursing my second child. Actually, it had been gestating since the day I was nursing my first child and complaining to my HartBeat Co-Artistic Director Greg Tate that the intersecting struggles of...

"Great" Alternatives To #PaidSickDays

March 27, 2014
Kids are gross. Inspiring, cuddly, lovable, yes - but also: gross. I had barely heard of things like pink eye, ringworm and foot and mouth disease until I became a mom. My kid even got scarlet fever - Oregon Trail much? All kids get sick sometime, but nothing makes a 2 am vomit session worse than...
Charlie Rose's picture

Brigid Schulte is Overwhelmed - and So Are You! Part One

March 10, 2014
Author Brigid Schulte has a job, a house, a husband, several children, and a whole lot of stress. She's also just written a book, available online and at your favorite bookstore, called Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time , about how we've taken on way more than we can handle...
Valerie Young's picture

76% of Food Service Workers Lack Access to Paid Sick Days

March 4, 2014
Hispanic Workers are the Least Likely to Have Access New analysis by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) finds that access to paid sick days is unequally distributed across the U.S. population, with substantial differences by race/ethnicity, occupation, earnings, and employment status...
Jennifer Clark's picture

Rep. DeLauro for #DoubleBooked: It's Time for Paid Leave

February 20, 2014
Rep. Rosa DeLauro represents the Third District of Connecticut and serves as Senior Democrat on the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee. She has been cancer-free for 28 years. In 1986, I received news that no woman wants to hear: I had ovarian cancer...
Rachel Laser's picture

Anticipation: Snow Day and Fair Workplace Policies

February 5, 2014
What a difference a day makes! Tuesday, Jan. 28, was filled with joyful anticipation and dread as kids and parents in North Carolina prepared for the arrival of snow. Parents planned for daycare, food and stocked up on firewood and batteries, while children dreamed of snowmen, sledding and a...
Odile Fredericks's picture

Phone Call for YOU!

January 27, 2014
Big doins' this week! We're all getting on the horn to talk about women in the US, how to get to fair pay, why families need a paid leave program they can count on, and what paid sick days would mean for the economic security of moms and dads. Just like child care, these issues connect public...
Valerie Young's picture

It's Catching.

January 7, 2014
Something amazing is happening across the country. People are coming together across cities, states and even at the national level to stand up for a basic workplace protection – the right to earn paid sick time. Across the country people are taking a stand. They’re saying that when someone is sick...
Charlie Rose's picture

Top 13 MomsRising Blog Posts in 2013

December 31, 2013
There are only a few days left to 2013, and we wanted to celebrate all the individuals and organizations that have contributed to the MomsRising blog this past year. Here are a few of the most read posts on the blog this past year–we hope that you take some time to read these stories and add your...
Connie Ho's picture
