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Parenting & Families

Moral Panic at the School Board Meeting

February 7, 2024
Is this a school board meeting or did I inadvertently join the worst kind of book club? It is a Tuesday evening in December in Duval County, Florida. I am here with fellow members of a local advocacy group, Public School Defenders, to speak to our school board members and community-at-large. Our...
Gamble Scott's picture

Padres exigen soluciones de cuidado infantil en Florida

February 6, 2024
Durante el último año he estado hablando con padres y cuidadores de niños pequeños en todos los rincones de nuestro estado, ¿y sabes qué tenían en común todos? Que el programa preescolar voluntario (VPK) y el sistema de cuidado infantil en nuestro estado no funcionan para las familias. Esa es la...
Nina Perez's picture
A child reading a book sitting under a larger book that is covering them like a tent.

Let's Let Our Legislators Know: Ban book bans!

January 19, 2024
Across the country there have been efforts to ban books in schools. This is happening here in Washington State, too. We have the chance to ban book bans in public schools by passing SB 6208 and HB 2331. Sign on now to ban book bans in Washington State! These bills would prohibit the banning of...
Mandy Kwan's picture

Las mamás hacen un llamado a Mickey Mouse para proteger las leyes laborales infantiles en Florida.

January 12, 2024
Durante 100 años, Mickey Mouse ha sido una imagen de la infancia, la inocencia y la risa. Pero ahora está en peligro de ser asociado con la eliminación de las protecciones contra el trabajo infantil... ¡AY! *Dile a Mickey que use su voz aguda pero poderosa para decirle a la Florida Restaurant and...
Nina Perez's picture

Who We Are and Where We Come From is a Complicated History.

January 9, 2024
My child's class recently was assigned homework that asked culturally intrusive questions about where our family came from prior to them "moving" to America. There were questions such as, "Why did they “move” to America?", "Do we have anything in our homes that comes from that country?" and "List any recipes that come from that region." Being a black mother raising black children, I was not surprised but deeply concerned about why this was assigned to 8-year-old second graders. I learned that this is part of the Tennessee States Studies curriculum.
Camille Breaux's picture
asamblea publica diciembre 9

Nuestras historias, nuestro poder: una asamblea pública legislativa en el estado de Washington el 9 de diciembre

November 15, 2023
¿Puedes participar en una divertida y poderosa asamblea pública GRATUITA el sábado 9 de diciembre de 11am a 12:30pm? ¡Es hora de unirnos antes de la próxima sesión legislativa del estado de Washington y eso significa asegurar que nuestras historias sean escuchadas! ¡Escucharemos a líderes de...
Linda López-Stone's picture

I Know the System & Still Failed at Times

November 9, 2023
When I was a kid, whenever I ever asked my mother a question, her answer always started with “the Mother’s Handbook says…” Then she would make some ridiculous answer up, and yet somehow I still believed her every time. So, when I became a mom I was quite disappointed to find out there was no “...
Kristen Sheppard's picture

We Rise and March On

October 14, 2023
People with disabilities make up the largest minority group in this country. Over 50 million humans live with at least one disability. In our home, each member of our beautiful family lives with a disability. Unfortunately, this country has a lot to learn. Our nation is grossly uneducated and...
Melissa Cote's picture

I Am A Mom Rising With A Challenge

October 10, 2023
Eleven years ago, my youngest child, {Z} came rushing into this world like nothing I had ever seen. I wasn’t shocked. I had a feeling she would grace us early. I knew, a mother always knows. I was a high-risk pregnancy, with both of my girls. Unfortunately, signs were missed by my OB and their...
Melissa Cote's picture

This I Know

September 22, 2023
This world is made up of beautiful beings. I know this because l am helping to raise some of the very best. My name is Melissa. Together, my husband Shawn and I are raising two amazingly awesome kids. Our kids are gifted, intelligent, artistic, and funny. We are a neurodivergent (autism+adhd)...
Melissa Cote's picture
