![[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A colorful graphic that says "Race Class Narrative Action"]](https://www.momsrising.org/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/race%20class%20narrative%20action.png?itok=JE1SKm4v)
UPDATED - A Pivotal Opportunity: Using the Race Class Narrative to Promote Progressive Solutions to COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly transforming our lives and communities and compounding existing injustices, while at the same time opening up possibility for radical realignment in our politics. In moments of crisis, new norms and expectations, and with them policies and political preferences, get established.
We have a pivotal opportunity to focus public attention on creating a country, care system, and economy that works for all of us. But we also must contend with the fear, race-baiting, and individualism that shut people down and turn them away from progressive solutions. In this webinar, attendees will receive the latest findings of Race Class Narrative Action and new content developed to both move our progressive base toward greater engagement and persuade the middle toward our solutions. We will also hear from advocates in key states applying these approaches.
Speakers include:
- Anat Shenker-Osorio, research lead on the Race Class Narrative and COVID-19 messaging guide
- Prentiss Haney, Co-Director of the Ohio Organizing Collaborative
- Eli Day, Communications Director of We The People Michigan
Through this webinar, we’ll address key messaging issues such as:
- Contending with anti-immigrant and anti-China rhetoric
- Pushing back against vigilante efforts framed under the banner of economic concerns
- Valorizing the people caring for us while not ceding ground that their working conditions are unacceptable
- Building collective will and solidarity while centering how Black people, new immigrants, and other people of color are hit first and worst
Co-hosted by: RCN Action, Citizen Action Wisconsin, Community Change, Faith in MN, Jobs With Justice, Lake Research Partners, MomsRising, Movement School, MOVE, MoveOn, NDWA, National Immigration Law Center, Ohio Organizing Collaborative, One Fair Wage, People’s Action, SEIU, SEIU PA State Council, SURJ, The Solutions Project, We the People MI, Women’s March and Working Families Party
When: Apr 30, 2020 01:00 PM in Central Time (US and Canada)
Register here (scroll to the bottom of the page)
UPDATE: For those who would like to watch a replay, you can find that here.
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