Urgent message on the #UNSummit on #NCDs
Jamie and the Food Revolution Team need your help.
On 19 - 20 Sept 2011, policy leaders from around the world will come together in New York for the United Nations High-Level Summit on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) - which encompass smoking, alcohol & diet-related illnesses.
• Jamie’s plea
Watch Jamie’s video message asking for people all across the world to join the Food Revolution & help countries & global leaders work together to reduce mortalities from NCDs & obesity related diseases.
• UN Webcasts
Find out how the UN Gen-Sec responded to Jamie’s question ‘Over 35 million people die of non communicable diseases every year, how can we reduce this?' and what was discussed in yesterday's press conference on NCDs
Make a stand against obesity & NCDs. Email your UN representative in NY to urge them & your head of state to attend this UN Summit.
Millions of people die across the globe each year from NCDs which could be prevented, it is so important that we act now.
Thank you,
The Food Revolution Team
Some stats:
•1.7 billion people are obese or overweight globally including 200 million children
•2.8 million people die every year as a result of being overweight or obese
Some useful links:
The 1st Summit On NCDs
WHO Fact Sheet on the NCD Summit
The NCD Alliance
Jamie’s Petition
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