Angela Warren is a proud, full time mother of 4 amazing children and a part time photographer from Phoenix, Arizona. In her 'spare time' she is an aspiring writer and yogi who believes that when mothers band together we have the power to change the world.
Angela Warren
Angela Warren is a proud, full time mother of 4 amazing children and a part time photographer from Phoenix, Arizona. In her 'spare time' she is an aspiring writer and yogi who believes that when mothers band together we have the power to change the world.
Blog Post List
July 27, 2013
My name is Angela Warren and I am an uninsured mother of four in Arizona. I had worked full-time since I was 15, but that changed after the birth of my 4th child at 34. For years I went to work at 4:30 AM and was able to provide quality health insurance for my children. I had great coverage as a Manager at Starbucks and didn’t know what uninsured parents in the United States were going through, until I became one myself. After my youngest child was born, I became a full time stay at home mother, and we were able to receive coverage from my husband's employer. This worked for some time, but my...