Caitlin Finnegan Priest, MPH, is the Director of Policy and Communication at Covering Kids & Families of Indiana, where she collaborates with policy makers, state agencies, and stakeholders to improve health coverage access and retention for vulnerable Hoosiers. She has over 15 years of experience advocating for women's, family, and community health issues through education, program development, direct service, and policy efforts.
Caitlin Priest
Caitlin Finnegan Priest, MPH, is the Director of Policy and Communication at Covering Kids & Families of Indiana
Blog Post List

May 12, 2014
Open Enrollment for the Affordable Care Act Marketplace plans may have ended for now, but did you know that kids, teens up to 19, and some adults may still be eligible for coverage? Enrollment in Indiana Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) is open year-round for kids and adults who qualify. Don’t put off those check-ups, shots, dentist visits, sports or camp physicals, prescriptions, or prenatal care because you think there are no coverage options for you! Covering Kids and Families of Indiana can help you figure out what your family is...