Charlie Dotson is a grandfather of four and a father of two including a MomsRising staffer. In between running all over the southeast to visit his grandkids, he is a real estate broker in East Tennessee.
Charlie Dotson
Charlie Dotson is a grandfather of four and a father of two including a MomsRising staffer. In between running all over the southeast to visit his grandkids, he is a real estate broker in East Tennessee.
Blog Post List
June 12, 2013
Four of my favorite people in the world call me Junie (their special name for their grandfather). Granny and I have been married for almost fifty years. We’re grandparents to four delightful grandchildren. I’d like to offer my input from a grandfather’s perspective as to why Father’s Day is such a BIG deal. Father’s Day is a celebration of the love awarded to men who act like fathers, whether they are fathers of birth, father of adoption, foster dads, step-dads, or men who step in to fill that role in a child’s life. I think it all comes down to one word that - if dutifully performed -...