Blog Post List

November 6, 2014
Hi everyone, November is Diabetes Awareness Month , and I’d like to write about this detrimental disease. It’s the kind that if not treated in time will affect your eyes, give heart attacks, and your kidneys will not work properly. There are two kinds of diabetes, Type I and Type II. Type I is the hardest one to deal with because you need to take insulin, eat small amounts of food, and check your blood sugar regularly. Type II is easier to control because it’s due in part to being overweight. Just by losing 20 pounds you can get rid of it, but you also have to be careful of what you eat,...
October 31, 2012
If there is a major reason I am voting this election cycle it is this: the Affordable Care Act. My mother-in-law relies on my husband and I as her primary caregivers. And thanks to health care reform, our family is saving thousands of dollars a year in prescription drug costs for her. For working families like ours that live paycheck-to-paycheck this is huge, huge help. Both my husband and I work and my mother-in-law, who has Alzheimer’s and has had a stroke, lives with us. We do everything for her: we feed her, bathe her, pay her bills, take her to the doctor and make sure she takes her...
December 8, 2011
The reason I say “working” families is because this economy is much more complicated than “working” and “unemployed.” There are many families like ours, struggling, even though we both technically have jobs. We are both in our 50s, have no retirement savings and are living paycheck to paycheck. A year ago, my husband who was our family’s main breadwinner lost his job at a manufacturing plant. This is an industry that has been hammered in the present economy. Thanks to the extension of unemployment insurance a year ago, my husband was able to continue to pay the bills for a while longer. Then...
November 16, 2010
The loss of my husband's job could not have come at a worst time for us. I work part-time at a supermarket, and the way the economy is my hours were further cut. The unemployment checks we received helped a great deal, and we were able to survive. But our nightmare began after the year was up, and my husband was told he could only get unemployment for six more months. He found a job, which doesn't pay very much, but it's the only thing he could find. Our bills are mounting, and we can barely survive on what we are earning. Right now we are taking care of my mother-in-law who has Alzheimer’s...