Emma Akpan is an ordained deacon in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and activist living in Raleigh. When not writing about women or repro health, Emma enjoys the gym and reading. Emma doesn't think time should be wasted spending sunny days inside or eating bad food.
Emma Akpan
Emma Akpan is an ordained deacon in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and activist living in Raleigh. When not writing about women or repro health, Emma enjoys the gym and reading. Emma doesn't think time should be wasted spending sunny days inside o
Blog Post List

December 12, 2014
The North Carolina NAACP and a coalition of organizations fighting for Medicaid expansion in North Carolina recently held a funeral procession to demonstrate the result of our governor’s decision not to expand the jointly funded federal and state health-care program for low-income residents. According to protesters, 2,800 state residents will die in 2014 because the state did not expand Medicaid under the health-care reform law. What was not made explicit at the demonstration, and at rallies that came before it, is the alarming infant mortality rate in the state, which can be seen as a direct...
August 27, 2013
I knew from the beginning that I was a black girl and I was proud. I have my mother to thank for that. She taught me and my sister to be proud of being black. My parents filled our home with relics of black pride. Daddy loved listening to Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff, Momma preferred Billie Holiday and Natalie Cole. Daddy is Nigerian and upon returning from a visit, Daddy and Momma proudly hung up paintings of black men and women and placing statues around our home showing the beauty of blackness. Momma insisted on buying us only black dolls, and we never questioned why we didn’t have any white...