GenderAvenger is an activist community dedicated to ensuring women are always part of the public dialog. Studies show that gender diversity is beneficial both financially and culturally at all levels of society. The GenderAvenger community amplifies the voices of its members who identify conferences, top lists, bylines, etc. where women's voices are essentially absent. Instances within the worlds of finance, education, tech, politics, the arts and more have appeared in the GenderAvenger Halls of Fame and Shame. Together we challenge it so we can change it, because women as equals will become the norm when it is the norm everywhere.
GenderAvenger is an activist community dedicated to ensuring women are always part of the public dialog.
Blog Post List
December 10, 2015
Lots of people are asking “Will we have a woman president?” At GenderAvenger, we’re asking “Will women have a say in how people think about the presidential campaign?” Right now, the answer appears to be “Not so much.” At least that appears to be the case on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. I watched the show all last week to see how many women were among the panelists discussing presidential politics. With the exception of Thursday, when the entire show was devoted to the tragic shooting in southern California, the presidential candidates, their statements, and their chances of winning their party’s...
November 4, 2015
by Victoria Chao We’re at a point in history where it’s actually pretty good to be a young woman in the professional world. It’s remarkable to think that we live in a world where: Paid maternity leave is a national conversation. As I’m writing this, the second most popular column in The Washington Post is titled, " Famous quotes, the way a woman would have to say them during a meeting ," which highlights the communication issues women face in the workplace. Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In can inspire me to improve my negotiation skills and I can log onto Levo League for a little encouragement while...
September 14, 2015
Will the real Stephen Colbert please stand up?
September 1, 2015
By Gina Glantz, Founder of W hen is “celebrating” women not all that good for women? Let’s face it. Something tagged exclusively for or about women is all too often a revenue generating strategy alongside a way to deflect criticism about the lack of attention to women and an opportunity for the powers-that-be to say, “look what we do for women.” Unfortunately, often, what they “do” is not much. Take Politico’s “ Women Rule ,” Sony’s decision to make an all-female “Ghostbusters,” Food & Wine’s announcement of an all-women issue, and the Center for Strategic and...
August 3, 2015
by Bea O'Rourke I'm getting ready to celebrate August 15th, 2015, the 95th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment. Women finally got the right to vote thanks to those early GenderAvengers who rejected complacency, pushed hard, and risked all for equal places at our society's tables. It has been worth it. It just makes sense. Now, at almost seventy-eight years of age with four adult children (three daughters and a son) and nine grandchildren (five granddaughters and four grandsons), it just makes sense to support the mission of GenderAvenger. In high school, I attended an all-girls academy. I found...
July 23, 2015
We want better for our children than we had for ourselves. I want my daughter to grow up seeing female thought leaders as part of the dialogue, so that she knows to aspire. We need her generation to be seeing women in the public sphere — as lawmakers, professors, scientists, and writers — so that they know the possibilities. Let’s make sure that women are an equal part of leading this country if only to make it obvious to little girls that they can lead, too.