Marilu Garcia is the proud mother of five children and eight grandchildren. She lives in San Leandro, California.
Marilu Garcia
Marilu Garcia is the proud mother of five children and eight grandchildren. She lives in San Leandro, California.
Blog Post List
June 13, 2013
To read this blog post in English, click here . El 28 de noviembre del 2012, mi vida cambió para siempre. Perdí a mi hijo menor por causa de la violencia de armas. Tenía 26 años, estaba casado y tenía una niña de dos años, su mujer embarazada de nuevo con otra niña. No sé todos los detalles de su muerte. Solamente sé que él y su amigo iban saliendo de una tienda en una esquina de Oakland y los dos fueron atacados a tiros. El amigo de mi hijo sobrevivió pero mi hijo falleció. Apenas hace dos semanas, la policía detuvo a un hombre en San Jose, California, que tuvo una pelea con un guardia de...
June 12, 2013
On November 28, 2012, my life changed forever. I lost my youngest child – a son – to gun violence. He was 26-years-old, married, and had a two-year-old daughter with another little girl on the way. I don’t know all the details surrounding his death, only that he was leaving a corner store in Oakland, California, with a friend, and that they were both gunned down. My son’s friend survived his gunshot wounds while my son died from his. Just two weeks ago, a suspect was apprehended in San Jose, California, where he had an altercation with a security guard. The suspect has been arraigned, charged...