Mary Kay Devine is the Director Community Initiatives at Women Employed, an advocacy organization that has been opening doors, breaking barriers, and creating fairer workplaces for women for more than 40 years. A mother of four and a former union organizer, Devine is a fun-loving, hard-working feminist and advocate. You can find her on Twitter @MaryKayDevine.
Blog Post List

June 1, 2016
My heart sunk when I got the call from school telling me that Ch arlie, my 2nd grader, was in the nurse's office with the pukes. I quickly made arrangements wit h my supervisor to use paid sick time that afternoon and headed ho me to care for my child. MomsRising Paid Sick Days Charles Photo.jpg While I had to reschedule a couple of meetings, I didn't have to worry for a minute about losing pay or being punished for my time away from work. Some say I'm "lucky" that my job provides this type of flexibilit y. But basic standards, like paid sick time, shouldn't be left up to luck or to...

April 4, 2016
Lucy and Twins Photo.jpg Let's fast forward to the year 2059. My 11-year old daughter Lucy will be 55, and my two-year old twins, Cecilia and Eleanor, will turn 45. It's fun to contemplate all that they might achieve over the next four decades. It's not so fun to think about the fact that it will take this long —4 0 years, according to a recent report by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) — to achieve equal pay for women. I will be a grandma and my daughters will be working hard to support their families. This is unacceptable. It’s been more than half a century since JFK signed...

March 10, 2016
MKD Family Photo 2015.jpg Google family calendar. Outlook work calendar. The calendar app that syncs my electronic calendars on my phone. My 2016 annual planner. The calendar that hangs on my kitchen wall. These are the tools that I use every day (in the attempt) to keep my schedule organized. As a full-time working mother of four kids — a 6th grader, a 2nd grader, and two-year old twins — I have to maintain highly coordinated calendars with my husband Jason so we can manage our work and family schedules. Fortunately, many of our scheduled commitments occur at the same time, same day, week to...