Melissa Broome is the Senior Policy Advocate of the Job Opportunities Task Force, which develops and advocates for policies and programs to increase the skills, job opportunities, and incomes of low-skill, low-income workers and job seekers.
Melissa Broome
Melissa Broome is the Senior Policy Advocate of the Job Opportunities Task Force, which develops and advocates for policies and programs to increase the skills, job opportunities, and incomes of low-skill, low-income
Blog Post List

May 11, 2014
Owen was discharged from Hopkins last Tuesday morning. Before we left, the drains were removed from his head and back, he was given his first bath in nearly a week, and we were told that he had been the talk of the floor amongst the nurses because of his cheerful attitude. He literally skipped down the hall waving goodbye to everyone as we left. Our instructions for home are to keep him from acting like a four-year-old boy (no running, no jumping, no wrestling) and to ensure that he doesn’t touch or sleep on his cheek for the next month. Owen is well aware that he has a new cheek and says...
April 24, 2013
Editor's Note: Melissa Broome, senior policy advocate at the Job Opportunities Task Force and founding member of Working Matters , recounts what it was like to watch paid sick leave legislation fail during the 2013 session of the Maryland General Assembly. Thankfully, Melissa and her coalition partners will be back again next year. This blog post originally appeared in Job Opportunities Task Force . There’s a well-known understanding in our state capitol that important bills rarely – if ever – pass in the first year. I recognize that last month’s unfavorable outcome for the Earned Sick and...