Pamela is a Cultural Anthropologist, healthcare advocate, and progressive activist. Before getting her degree from Smith College, Pamela spent 25 years working as a Litigation Paralegal in Montana, Nevada, California, and Oklahoma.
Pamela John
Pamela is a Cultural Anthropologist, healthcare advocate, and progressive activist. Before getting her degree from Smith College, Pamela spent 25 years working as a Litigation Paralegal in Montana, Nevada, California, and Oklahoma.
Blog Post List
October 31, 2014
I have been canvassing 20 hours per week to help get people to the polls. During this canvassing, I can't tell you how many new mothers with babies have told me that they aren't going to vote because they don't have time to register, or to get the ID that they need, or to get a babysitter to take care of their kids, or to get a ride to their polling place. People I've come into contact with think that women are uninterested in voting, but the truth is that the deck is stacked against young women, especially women in poverty, with children and that when they DON'T vote in their own interest,...
March 12, 2014
It is undisputed that the early days of open enrollment on the website were problematic, but there were a ‘fortunate few’ who made it through, and I was one of them. I’d been waiting for October 1st, 2013, like a kid at Christmas. After a few attempts, I was enrolled for the first time in two years. When I learned that my plan would cost $100 less than I’d been paying for prescriptions each month without coverage, I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. Present times being what they are, I did the next best thing: Facebook status update! Within minutes, the congrats started...