Author of The CHRONOS Files series and Grand Prize winner in the 2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards for the first book in that series, Timebound. Firm believer that government will be a better place when more involved moms and dads step forward to create the changes we want to see in the world our kids will inherit.
Rysa Walker
Author of The CHRONOS Files series and Grand Prize winner in the 2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards for the first book in that series, Timebound.
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May 9, 2014
Always make time to play with the kids. (Or grandkids.) When the family is gathered, my dad often complains that my mom is wasting time "piddling around with the kids" rather than doing something he wants her to do. She usually ignores him, because she figured out long ago that kids grow up way too fast. If they want you to get down on the floor and play Ninja Turtles or My Little Pony or Legos with them, you should do it—because next year, they'll have moved on to something new. You have to grab that moment before it's gone. The grumpy old man can get his own Mountain Dew, or whatever else...