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Nat'l Women's Health Week

May 15, 2014
Moms’ health matters because their family depends on them. That’s the overwhelming sentiment received from our Facebook and Twitter followers.
May 16, 2013
Moms’ health matters because their family depends on them. That’s the overwhelming sentiment received from our Facebook and Twitter followers. At text4baby, we understand that moms are busy, and pregnant women and new moms may not have time to read everything there is about this important period in their lives. “When I was pregnant, text4baby felt like a friend, like an extra support network checking in. Whether it was a quick tip or information about what was happening inside my body, as a busy working mom, it was helpful to receive the messages,” says Cassie G., a text4baby mom. Dr. J...
February 28, 2012
Having a baby is a health journey like no other and it’s not easy. The National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition (HMHB) has been working for the past 30 years to bring together organizations and individuals committed to making this journey as healthy and happy as it can be for mothers, infants, and families. The text4baby program, launched in February 2010 and now celebrating its 2nd birthday, is one way that HMHB furthers this mission. Text4baby is a free mobile health service that provides key health and safety information in the form of short text messages for mothers at various...
February 28, 2012
The National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition is grateful to Johnson & Johnson for its ongoing support of the text4baby program. As the founding sponsor and a key driving force behind the program, Johnson & Johnson provided and continues to provide critical support, allowing us to reach 300,000 individuals in two years and truly bringing to life the value a public-private partnership has in making a positive difference in improving health. *** by Susan Can, Johnson & Johnson Today, our partner text4baby comes together with Connecting Kids to Coverage to enhance the suite...