Blog Post List
December 10, 2012
Para español, haga clic aquí . The 2012 elections marked a pivotal point in our nation’s history: Latino voters represented a record 10 percent of the electorate and voted overwhelmingly in support of President Obama, as did a vast majority of Asian and African American voters. The voices of Hispanic Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities were heard loud and clear as we collectively ushered in a President who supports comprehensive immigration reform and rejected a candidate who promoted “self-deportation” and promised to veto the DREAM Act. The 2012 Presidential election was, in...
December 10, 2012
For English, click here . Estas pasadas elecciones de Noviembre de 2012 marcaron un momento crucial en la historia de nuestra nación: los votantes Latinos representaron un número record del electorado con un 10 por ciento de los votantes y votaron abrumadoramente a favor del Presidente Obama, al igual que la mayoría de los votantes asiáticos y afro-americanos. Las voces de los hispanoamericanos y otras minorías raciales y étnicas se escucharon fuerte y claramente cuando colectivamente dimos paso a un Presidente que apoya una reforma migratoria integral y repudiamos al candidato que promovía...
March 22, 2012
For English, click here El 23 de marzo celebramos el segundo aniversario de la histórica ley de cuidado de salud a bajo precio (o Affordable Care Act en inglés). Creo firmemente que todos los estadounidenses, incluyendo los hispanos, tienen derecho a un cuidado de salud de calidad que esté a su alcance. Como miembro del comité de finanzas del senado, mi objetivo principal durante la formulación de este proyecto de ley fue lograr una reforma que mejorara nuestro sistema de salud para que así las familias en Estados Unidos puedan tener acceso a un sistema de cuidado de salud con calidad sin...
March 21, 2012
Para español, haga clic aquí . March 23rd is the two-year anniversary of the historic passage of the Affordable Care Act. I have always believed that all Americans, including Hispanic Americans, should have access to affordable, quality health care. As a Member of the Senate Finance Committee, I worked to help enact a reform bill that improves our health care system so that American families can afford good health coverage. This law will extend coverage to millions of Americans, including Hispanics, and improve the quality of coverage for those who already have it. Today I am pleased to...
March 20, 2012
On March 1, 2012, I released a statement applauding the defeat by the Senate of "the Blunt amendment" which would have given limitless and unprecedented license to any employer or insurance plan to exclude any health service to any American for any reason, based on undefined religious or moral convictions. The amendment would have put not only vital preventive care services, such as access to contraception, mammograms and prenatal screenings at risk for nearly 630,000 women in New Jersey, but also potentially lifesaving services such as blood transfusions, vaccines and prescription...
March 23, 2011
A big thank you to MomsRising for sharing Susan and Gertrude’s stories about how their families are struggling with health care costs and coverage, and how they benefitted from the young adult coverage in the new law. Unfortunately, it pains me to say, they’re not alone. This is why I proudly supported the new healthcare reform law…to help Susan and Gertrude and all the other families making the same sacrifices just to get health coverage. My colleagues and I fought hard to ensure that young adults could stay on their parent’s plans. We set out with the goal of decreasing the costs to...