Sherry Payne
Sherry L. Payne, BSN, MSNED, IBCLC founded Uzazi Village, to decrease health disparities in the urban core. She is an editor for Clinical Lactation Journey and is on the board of the National Association for Professional & Peer Supporters of Color.
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February 12, 2015
Tell us about your work and how it began. I founded Uzazi Village in 2012 after a career as a labor and delivery nurse, and later as faculty teaching maternal infant health. I wanted to have a more direct impact on perinatal (pregnancy-related) health outcomes in my community. I wrote a curriculum to train doulas, started training women from the community, and things took off from there. In two years, we’ve trained almost 40 community women to be doulas, educated countless health care providers (nurses, midwives, and physicians) on the impact of healthcare inequities on the Black community...