Tara Mitchell is a Fort Worth mother of 3, breast cancer survivor, and graduate student at UTA.
Tara Mitchell
Tara Mitchell is a Fort Worth mother of 3, breast cancer survivor, and graduate student at UTA.
Blog Post List
February 28, 2014
Last week, I attended a MomsRising Healthcare House Party near Dallas with special guest, 2nd Lady, Dr. Jill Biden! I was invited to the event because of my personal dealings with healthcare. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2012 and while I am covered under my husband’s health plan I have still benefited from changes that the ACA has instituted. I can no longer be denied insurance for a pre-existing condition and I no longer have to worry about hitting my lifetime max (which in 18 months of treatment I had already met more than half that amount). For me, that meant that if I were...