Maryland State Delegate Tom Hucker
Career activist representing Silver Spring & Takoma Park in the Maryland General Assembly.
Blog Post List

May 10, 2014
Of the many lessons my mom taught me, the most lasting is this: because we had good health, food to eat, and a roof over our heads, we had a responsibility to be thankful and to give back to our community, especially the poor, disabled and elderly. I don't remember her saying "to whom much is given, much is expected," but that was the message. She had drawn that lesson from her Catholic faith and the tight-knit Irish immigrant community she grew up in. She practiced it by serving as a Cub Scout Den Mother and volunteering with our church and school. And while I didn't realize it twenty years...
April 7, 2014
During my eight years representing Maryland’s District 20 in the General Assembly, my priorities have always been protecting women, children, working families and our environment. During this Week of Action, I’ll be doing everything I can to enact legislation to further these priorities and improve the lives of many Marylanders. Some proposals before the House of Delegates don’t go far enough, but I’ve learned as a legislator that sometimes the race to the finish is a marathon and not a sprint! Maryland is poised to raise the minimum wage. Not enough, and we didn’t get the wage tied to the...
August 30, 2012
You proved it: if the people lead, the leaders will follow. Thanks to your emails to state lawmakers, Maryland recently became the first state to ban roxarsone and other antibiotics containing arsenic from agriculture. Now we need your help to finish the job: Arsenic is a deadly, Class A carcinogen, one that also causes developmental diseases, heart disease, and diabetes. Yet since the 1940s, the chicken industry has been allowed to add antibiotics containing thousands of tons of arsenic to our food supply and environment each year by feeding arsenic drugs to...
March 12, 2012
“Reckless.” “Dangerous.” And “just plain crazy.” Those are the ways that scientists, environmentalists, and nurses describe the widespread practice of adding arsenic compounds to poultry feed. Yes, arsenic, one of the world’s most deadly poisons, a Class A carcinogen that is associated not only with cancer but also with heart disease, diabetes, chromosomal damage, and neurological problems in children. And it’s routinely fed to livestock, especially chicken, the most popular source of American protein on America's tables. How is this possible? In 1944, the FDA approved the use of roxarsone,...