"I can't breathe."
Those were Eric Garner's last words, repeated 11 times, after being put in a chokehold by a New York City police officer. He gasped these words repeatedly from the ground, as bystanders watched and videotaped the scene in horror. The use of chokeholds is a violation of New York City Police Department policy.
The medical examiner ruled Eric Garner’s death a homicide.
Yet, a Staten Island Grand Jury refused to indict NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo for 43-year-old Eric Garner's death, just weeks after a St. Louis Grand Jury refused to indict Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for Mike Brown’s death. These cases are part of an overall pattern of non-indictments across the country.
*It's time to make our voices heard to advance police reform nationwide and to end racial profiling: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/justicebrowngarnerall/
However, instead of immediately making a call to get emergency medical attention to Mr. Gurley, Officer Liang contacted his union representative. Ultimately, a neighbor called an ambulance. Akai Gurley's mother and 2-year-old daughter will never see him again.
*Join us -- and ColorOfChange -- in calling on the U.S. Department of Justice to take action by signing on our open letter: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/justicebrowngarnerall/
*Don’t forget to sign on with us to say: Families call on the U.S. Department of Justice and the Obama administration to take action now: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/justicebrowngarnerall/
For those of us who are already in motion, thank you. For the rest of us, let's make sure we really hear Eric Garner's last words of, “I can’t breathe," and the moral call to act that they represent. They're hard to take—but that doesn't mean we can turn away.
PS - If you haven't already, please listen to the devastating audio of Eric Garner's final moments. His last words ring as a call to all of us—to pay attention and to act.
Listen and share the audio of Eric Garner's last words.
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