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It looks like we've already won that one - but thank you for trying to take action! And we still need your help speaking out in support of healthy kids and communities. Please join us to take action around the following ongoing campaigns -> 

Demand Justice for Flint
Everyone deserves access to clean water, no matter where they live. Demand justice from the Michigan State Legislature

Urge Congress to Protect School Lunch and Summer Feeding Programs
Tell lawmakers to give as many children as possible nutritious, healthy food through a strong 2015 Child Nutrition Reauthorization! Click here to speak out.

Compel Companies to Protect Kids from Junk Food Marketing
Tell the Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative to encourage its member companies to adopt expert recommendations and do more to protect kids from junk food marketing! Taking action is so easy - click here to get started

Demand Nickelodeon Stop Pushing Junk Food on Kids
Tell Nickelodeon to do the right thing and adopt strong nutrition standards for advertisements and marketing through its entire child-directed media! Our children are more than big business. Add your voice, you savvy superparent

Join the Good Food Force! 
Good Food Force (GFF) Volunteers are real-life superheroes who take action in their schools and communities, and/or on their blogs and online networks, to advocate for healthier kids and families. Volunteers do what they want, when they want. No one can stop you now -> sign up today! 


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