Women are powerful — and our power was on full display at the Women’s March. We're a powerful economic force! We're powerful caregivers...and…marchers!
Your voice and power are needed again, right now, this very second. Women’s rights, including access to healthcare for ourselves and for our families, are under serious threat. That's why the Women’s March organizers have called for a one-day strike, "A Day Without a Woman,” on this Wednesday, March 8th.
*Stand with women by signing on to show you support A Day Without a Woman, on Wednesday, March 8:http://action.momsrising.org/sign/WomensStrike/
*When you sign on to Momsrising’s message via the link above to show that you're standing with women on A Day Without a Woman, your signature will place you on a map of the United States. Help us show that women and our allies who support A Day Without a Woman are everywhere across the United States!
On March 8, International Women's Day, women want to give the nation a taste of what A Day Without Women would be like by striking for one day in a demonstration of solidarity for equity, justice and the human rights of women.
Anyone, anywhere, can participate on March 8th in one or all of the following ways:
- Wear RED in solidarity with all women (This red can be worn in a private or public way, i.e. red socks count too!).
- If it’s safe for you, print and wear the MomsRising #KeepMarching paper button on your clothing (downloadable for free after you sign on in support of A Day Without a Woman).
- Avoid spending money (except at small, women- and minority-owned businesses that support gender, racial, and economic equity/A Day Without a Woman).
- Women, if possible and safe for you, do not do paid or unpaid work.
Whether you plan to be a part of the work strike or not, sign MomsRising's message in support A Day Without a Woman now: http://action.momsrising.org/s
When you sign on to Momsrising’s message via the link below to show that you're standing with women on A Day Without a Woman, your signature will place you on this map of the United States. Help us show that women and our allies who support A Day Without a Woman are everywhere across the United States!
How powerful are women? We now comprise half of the entire paid labor force for the first time in history, moms are now close to 50 percent of all primary breadwinners, and women drive 70 to 80 percent of all consumer purchasing in our economy that's based on consumer spending. The U.S. economy would collapse without us.
Yet, women still are paid only 80 cents on a man’s dollar, with moms and women of color experiencing increased wage hits. And enough American voters were okay with a man boasting about assaulting women by “grabbing her by the pussy” — and promising to roll back women’s access to healthcare — that they elected him President of the United States. This is not respectful, right, nor just.
Publicly stand with women by signing on in support of A Day Without a Woman now!
After you sign, would you help spread the word? Forward this email to all the women and men in your life who stand with women—and share the action link on Facebook and Twitter too. You can also Tweet your support with #DayWithoutAWoman as the main hashtag.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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