Write a sticky note message to your U.S. Senator to pass Build Back Better!
I’m stubborn.
Yes, I have gifts to buy, cookies to bake, and kids and loved ones to care for, all on top of the ongoing madness of the pandemic. But I’m not taking my eyes off the Build Back Better Act. Not now. Not when we are so close to finally getting the care policies that my family -- and so many families across the country (and our economy!) -- needs.
What’s the winter rush right now? The U.S. House just passed the Build Back Better act. Now it’s up to the U.S. Senate to pass it too -- before 2021 ends! -- so that working people will finally have four weeks of paid family/medical leave, child care bills will be cut in half for most families, free Pre-K will be open to every three- and four-year old, 35 million families will receive the fully refundable Child Tax Credit, we can begin to address maternal health justice, access to high-quality home care will be expanded for older Americans and people with disabilities, and so much more.
This is urgent!! As the Senate begins its deliberations on Build Back Better, we’re already hearing some resistance to certain provisions in the bill, urgent provisions such as paid family and medical leave.
That’s why it’s vital that we take action now to keep the House version of the bill as intact as possible -- and to urge the Senate to pass the Build Back Better Act ASAP!
(That Senate resistance is counting on our attention to slip as we head into the holidays. Well, my attention isn’t slipping, and not yours, right!?)
-> Also, if you’re on social media, put your pictures on social media! Please feel free to share your images on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and any other platform you are on with hashtags #PostAndPassIt #CareCantWait and tagging @MomsRising.
Imagine an enormous wave of sticky messages from moms, caregivers, and family members on Senate office doors across the country. You can keep it simple and just write one sticky message, or, if the holidays have your creative juices flowing, you can make it fancy and write it across multiple sticky notes to create a sticky work of art. You can also just use paper and tape!
Then just drop by your U.S. Senator’s closest constituent office and stick your sticky message on their door, take pictures, and send them to us. (Bonus: If you’re on social media, please share your pictures there too with hashtags #PostAndPassIt #CareCantWait and tagging @MomsRising). We’ll share the images we collect with the U.S. Senate, the news media, and across social media to show everyone that moms and families are paying attention and are committed to seeing Build Back Better become law.
Sign up now to join our wave of sticky messages to urge the Senate to pass Build Back Better!
Please share this information with friends, family, and everyone you know who wants and needs the care policies in Build Back Better, so they can take action too.
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