This fall is heating up for MomsRising in Pennsylvania, and we're on the ground across the commonwealth meeting parents and advocates like you. Please check out all that's going on below, including a special announcement of a new round of training workshops called the Parent Power Ups. And if you prefer to hear this, here's a video version too!
Add your name: Urge PA legislators to support paid family and medical leave!
Good news: the bi-partisan Family Care Act has been introduced in the PA House and Senate this year, which would bring comprehensive paid family and medical leave to Pennsylvania! This is huge, monumental and game changing. Sign on to tell our PA legislators to take the next step toward making this the law of the land in PA!
Sign up to drop off materials about Paid Family and Medical Leave to your state legislator's local office!
This fall we're urging our state senators and representatives to stand up for the sandwich generation: all of us who have both aging parents and young children. Right now: 1:4 moms returns to work within 10 days of having a new baby, and 1:5 working people leaves the workforce early to care for a sick loved one. ALL of us will need paid leave to care for a loved one at one point or another, and we shouldn't have to lose a paycheck or our job to do it. Sign up to help deliver materials to a local office, and we'll mail you everything you need. The delivery will take just a minute, and you can drop materials whenever is most convenient for you. (The delivery materials are cute and sandwich-themed, in honor of National Sandwich Day.)
Join or Host a Parent Power Up this fall and winter!
We're launching our first round of Parent Power Up workshops across the commonwealth, and want to bring this exciting workshop to a town near you. The Parent Power Up is a two-hour interactive workshop focused on:
- Helping participants identify and articulate issues they care about.
- Building participant skills to be change makers in their communities.
- Sharing updates on state and national campaigns around issues that affect working people and families, and brainstorming opportunities for action in the coming year.
Sign up here to get more information about the Parent Power Ups, and/or join or host one in your town. We'll provide the facilitator, materials, and food, and kids are very welcome of course. Travel stipends may be available for local participants, too.
Blog posts
Take Action
The time is now – working families can't wait any longer for comprehensive paid family & medical leave.
Join us in thanking the Senator for his bravery and sending a message of support.
The time is now – working families can't wait any longer for comprehensive paid family & medical leave.
Join us to tell leaders to keep the momentum going, listen to the voices of constituents, and permanently protect abortion rights in Pennsylvania