MomsRising RISER Fellow Jacqueline Sealy
2022 IMPACT: Training the Next Generation of Mom Leaders
Welcome to MOMENTUM: The MomsRising Impact in 2022, a report highlighting the victories, progress, and power-building achieved by the MomsRising community in 2022.
PART 1: Executive Letter, MomsRising By The Numbers, Vision for 2023 and Beyond
PART 2: Our 2022 Legislative & Policy Wins
PART 3: Increasing Mom Voter Engagement
PART 4: Training the Next Generation of Mom Leaders
PART 5: Building State Power
PART 6: Narrative Shifting
A record 167 volunteer moms completed a MomsRising leadership training program to power up in 2022, including our national flagship Beacons of Hope program. MomsRising’s advocates spent months learning how to accelerate their power-building, use organizing and advocacy tools, and engage lawmakers at local, state, and national levels. These mom leaders will be powering up in local communities across the nation for years to come.
When Jacqueline Sealy sent us a video about the lack of affordable child care in her community, we invited her to join our RISERS early childhood leadership training program. As a RISER, Jacqueline grew in her long-term leadership: She published a letter to the editor, met with U.S. Sen.Schumer’s office, and spoke at a childcare rally on Capitol Hill.
"I love you ladies [MomsRising]. If it wasn’t for y’all, our stories [moms] would not be heard. If you would’ve told me a few years ago that I would be doing this, I would’ve told that person that they’re crazy. After speaking at the conference, I feel accomplished." - MomsRising RISER Leader Jacqueline Sealy
Gillian Astarita was always active in her community, but the pandemic cut off a lot of hands-on opportunities. When the email about the MomsRising Beacon program arrived, it felt like the perfect thing at the perfect time. She knew she could make a difference but still feel safe.
"I really enjoyed participating in the Momibuster. I could feel in the moment that I was part of something huge, and I got to share a personal story that I don't often have the opportunity to talk about. Sharing our stories allows us to connect with each other in ways we couldn't otherwise. This is a role for anyone who wants to make a difference." - MomsRising Beacon Leader Gillian Astarita
Carolyn Solitaire says she's accomplished quite a bit since joining the Beacon of Hope program. Getting over the fear of talking to legislatures. Making appointments. Text banking. The best part? She and other moms could bring their children to MomsRising events.
"We had an engagement at a place where moms and dads could bring their toddlers there to play. It was in support of the family medical leave act. They put me in the best spot, I got to greet people. It was so much fun, I didn’t realize that I was working. One of the leaders at the event came over and said, “Look at you! You’re just so good at this!” That warmed my heart.
I’m used to being in places where you’re not appreciated. And being with MomsRising, I’m appreciated." - MomsRising Beacon Leader Carolyn Solitaire
MomsRising Beacon Leaders Christina Townsend (left) and Sonia Ballinger (right) and RISER Leader Ivonne Limongi (center left) shared their childcare challenges at a roundtable event with Virginia Senator Tim Kaine.
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