5 QUICK Actions for This Week! #KeepMarching
It’s Monday! That means we have a new #5Actions list for you! (See below.) You can do all five of the actions on one day, or spread them out across the week, your choice. One thing is for sure: All the actions that people like you are taking across the nation right now are adding up and having an impact. We see the momentum growing in the policies that are already being walked back and the statements that are being made on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.—and in the wins that we’re having in state capitols across the nation.
So, it’s time to double down, to grow that momentum, and to keep our sleeves rolled up to #KeepMarching.
Here are the MomsRising Top #5Actions of this week:
1. Spread the Word On How To Be A Welcoming Community For Immigrants!
—> ACTION: Share this link on Facebook, Twitter & with friends, family, and neighbors - https://www.momsrising.org/blog/creating-welcoming-communities-for-immigrant-families
BACKGROUND: As moms we know that the best way to build strong families is to have strong communities. Our strength is grounded in our ability to work together. From those who cook the food that we eat to those who invent businesses, new immigrants realize the value of working hard and doing our part. We will not let our immigrant, refugee, & Muslim neighbors feel unwelcome here. Numerous states and organizations are in the process of challenging the Muslim Ban in court, but there are also ways we can work in our communities to make sure all our neighbors feel welcome and supported.
2. Tell Congress: STOP Rolling Back Healthcare. This Hurts Our Families & Economy.
—> ACTION: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/AHCA_ACA_repeal/
BACKGROUND: Yikes. We need you to raise your voice with us now: House Speaker Paul Ryan just released the U.S. House of Representatives “replacement” plan for the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) and, well, it’s bad. Like, really, really bad. It’s an awful situation and the clock is ticking. So please take a moment to click and sign our open letter -- and to share the action link on Facebook and Twitter. Our voices have been making a difference on healthcare and now it’s time to pump up our volume. The House Republican’s new plan, the American Health Care Act (AHCA), is a dangerous step in the wrong direction—it would harm women and children, people in rural areas and communities of color; while shifting costs onto hard working families. The plan obliterates the Affordable Care Act and proposes a weak replacement that would make health insurance less affordable, less accessible, and less comprehensive. The AHCA, as currently written, will cost lives and hurt our economy.
3. Sign Up For The MomsRising #KeepMarching Telephone Town Hall (Free) Training On Civics: How A Bill Becomes A Law & How To Have An Impact!
—> ACTION: http://action.momsrising.org/survey/KeepMarchingTeleTownHall_Civics/
BACKGROUND: MomsRising's very first #KeepMarching Telephone Town Hall training on organizing and advocacy was a big hit! Belinda said: “This was such an awesome event. So informative! I LOVE how this group is engaging and productive and family-centered. Thank you so much!” Marianne said: “It was a great call. So much great information!” You don't want to miss our next MomsRising #KeepMarching Telephone Town Hall training on civics. We’ll talk about how a bill becomes a law; how Congress interacts with the White House, federal agencies, with the Supreme Court, and with YOU! Sign up to join us on Tuesday, March 21, 2017, at 9 PM EDT/ 6 PM PDT to hear the exciting answers!
4. Call FedEx To Tell Them: Stop Supporting the National Rifle Association (NRA)!
—> ACTION: Dial 1-888-678-9475 and you’ll be prompted on what to say (it’s easy!).
BACKGROUND: FedEx is a member of the National Rifle Association’s Business Alliance and gives NRA members generous discounts to encourage people to join the NRA. American businesses that serve families and communities, especially an iconic brand like FedEx, should have no part in helping to perpetuate even more gun sales and lethal gun culture. As an economic powerhouse, and as an iconic American brand, it needs to send a message to the gun lobby and reassure the communities it serves that it does not condone the NRA’s extremist agenda, like forbidding public elementary schools from prohibiting guns in their buildings. Tell FedEx to pull out of the NRA’s Business Alliance now.
5. Tell New York Legislators: #RaiseTheAgeNY & Stop Systemic Racism
—> ACTION: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/MR_petition_raisetheageny_2017/
BACKGROUND: Let’s be clear. The fact that New York state incarcerates young people as adults is about systemic racism. New York is one of two states, including North Carolina, that treats children as adults in the criminal justice system, even for misdemeanors and nonviolent offenses. The need for juvenile justice reform in NY is not just a legal issue, it’s a humanitarian one. Click the link to help end this policy!
Thank you for all you do to make our nation stronger and a place where everyone can thrive! #KeepMarching!
P.S. Last but not least: Start A Local MomsRising #KeepMarching Circle! We’re hearing from our members all over the country that they want to get together with friends, family and neighbors to take action. We are here for you! Let us know you want to start a #KeepMarching Circle by clicking the below and we’ll support you with action resources, sample agendas, and more.
—> ACTION: http://action.momsrising.org/signup/MRKeepMarchingCircles/
BACKGROUND: If you’ve been fired up and looking for ways to raise your voice and take action in support of families, communities, and our country... If you are ready to gather your family, friends and neighbors to storm the barricades in resistance… Sign up to be a MomsRising #KeepMarching Circle Leader! #KeepMarching Circles are an easy way to give form and function to what you’re likely already looking to do or may even be doing already: Meeting with others to talk about politics and share your anger and disgust, emailing around to each other petitions and actions to sign, gathering for postcard parties, attending town hall meetings together, and so much more.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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