Dr. King's work to undo centuries of racism, classism, and injustice was powerful and successful, but in many ways, that work is not yet done. How could it be? No one lifetime can break down generations of structural oppression, and yet, in King's short life of only 40 years, he struck a mighty blow, producing a crack where the light of day can be seen and focused on for generations to come.
Today, we carry the torch, celebrate, and continue Dr. King's work and the work of the many women and men who fought alongside him. Today, we are continuing the legacy. And, today more than ever, ask yourself: How are you continuing this legacy?
"Let's Honor The Mothers Of The Civil Rights Movement," Jeff Hays, NewsOne
"Women Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement," Bill Hogan, AARP
"Reforma Migratoria, el tema de derechos civiles de nuestro tiempo," Julio Fuentes, Florida State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
"Ava DuVernay's Selma Movie Is a Must-See," Denene Millner, My Brown Baby
"Ava DuVernay y David Oyelowo relatan su proceso con 'Selma'" Lindsey Bahr -- Associated Press, El Nuevo Herald
"My Blinders Are Off: What Trayvon Taught Me About Parenting," Vanessa Bell, SpanglishBaby
“Snow Day: On snowballs and lost pay,” Beth Messersmith, MomsRising.org
“Talking to White Boys About Ferguson,” Leanne Simon, MomsRising.org
“A Time for Prayer, Thanksgiving, Discernment and Strategic Nonviolent Action,” Marian Wright Edelman, MomsRising.org
“Medicaid Expansion in North Carolina? Let’s Talk About Infant Mortality and Maternal Health,” Emma Akpan, MomsRising.org
“Four ways Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to battle inequality,” Ned Resnikoff, MSNBC
“A Poor People's Campaign for a New Decade,” Elyssa Koidin Schmier, MomsRising.org
“MLK: ‘Our Struggle is for Genuine Equality, Which Means Economic Equality,'” John Nichols, The Nation
“The Fierce Urgency of Now: Honoring Dr. King by Working for Economic Justice,” Rachel Goodman, ACLU
“MomsRising: Local groups line up to sponsor MLK Day event for kids,” Stephanie Lormand, WRAL
“White Privilege,” Stephanie Lormand, Scatter Mom
“White People Don't Riot and Other Stupidity,” Stephanie Lormand, Stephanie Lormand
“VIDEO: Protecting Our Prince Kings,” Erin Dale Byrd, YouTube
“Awkward. Uncomfortable. Stumbling.” Beth Messersmith, MomsRising.org
“How Do I Keep My Son Safe From the Police?” Danielle Koonce, Women AdvaNCe
“Kora Brown: Life not easy in fast food lane,” Kora Brown, The Durham News
“Praying With Our Feet For Economic Justice,” Melanie Fineman, Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism
“Why This MLK Day is Different From All Other MLK Days,” Claire Shimberg, Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism
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