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Sign the thank you card!
Nina Perez's picture

Thanks to community advocates, educators, and DC families (like YOU!) who submitted their childcare stories, decorated bibs with messages to Councilmembers, sent emails to the Council, and testified in front of the DC Committee on Education – the Birth-to-Three for All DC Act (which incorporates pieces of the BEGIn Act) was passed unanimously by DC Council!!!

Celebrate with us by keeping up the momentum for early childhood in DC!

As parents, we know positive reinforcement can go a long way! Click here to sign our thank you card and urge the DC Council to continue to remain strong on early education and care!

Passed UNANIMOUSLY by the District Council, the Birth-to-Three for All DC Act of 2018 is a big step forward in ensuring the littlest of our DC residents are set up for success in life. Including provisions from the BEGIn Act and the ITDHS Act, this legislation:

  • Setting up childcare income based co-payments to ensure no family spends more than 10 percent of their income on child care,
  • Developing a fair, competitive salary scale for early childhood educators that offers parity with DC public schools and professional development,
  • Expands critical home visiting services, and
  • Strengthens pre- and post-natal support for District mothers such as investments in lactation consultants. 

This is HUGE, but we still have work to do to ensure high-quality, childcare is affordable and available to all in DC! Add your name to our thank you card to DC Council recognizing them for their leadership on early childhood needs or leave your thank you in the comments below and will add it to the thank you card. 

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