Dear Congress: Need More Reasons to Build a Care Infrastructure NOW? Read This.
>>READ THIS NOW: Care Economy Storybook (pdf)<<
In our Care Economy Storybook 2021, MomsRising has captured powerful and moving stories from families across the nation that illustrate how our inadequate Care Infrastructure hurts families, businesses and our economy.
Building a Care Infrastructure will create millions of good care jobs, enable parents to work in much-needed jobs, cut child poverty in half, help address structural inequality, and boost businesses and our economy. A recent study found that finally building a care infrastructure would lift our country’s long-term real GDP growth by 10-15 basis points.
>>READ THESE STORIES NOW: Care Economy Storybook (pdf)<<
"Not having access to paid leave forced me to liquidate my retirement assets so I could care for my newborn." — Susan
"It is appalling to me that caring for children has been classified as a low-skill form of employment, and that day-care providers barely make enough to survive." — Rachel
"My son, who is multi-handicapped, waited 11 years for Maine state funding to reside in a group home...Parent should not have to go through this!" — Jo
Congress has a chance to fix this AND boost the economy by passing the Care Infrastructure Package. This package includes critical and robust investments in:
- Child care
- Paid family and medical leave
- Living wages
- Home and community-based services
- Access to unbiased healthcare and addressing the Black maternal health crisis
- Affordable prescription drugs
- Creating a path to citizenship for immigrants
- Permanently extending the Child Tax Credit
They are win-win-win! And polling shows people across the political spectrum broadly support these changes.
>>READ IT: The Care Economy Storybook (pdf)<<
That's why, in the past few months, MomsRising members nationwide have made a staggering 680,000+ constituent contacts advocating for these policies — signing petitions and open letters, making calls, sharing their stories and more in support of the Care Infrastructure Package.
It’s not enough to go back to where we were.
We need to build back better so women, moms, families, communities of color, caregivers, businesses, and our economy can thrive!
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