Don’t give up on health care! Contact Congress (again) now!
The health care insanity continues! In good news, in no small part due to people like you making phone calls, the U.S. Senate Republicans have yet to get enough votes to repeal health care for tens of millions of people. In bad news, they’re still trying to take away health care.
*Can you call again right now? Tell them “Vote no!" on ANY bill that repeals the Affordable Care Act or Cuts Medicaid! 1-888-496-4842
*Here’s the lowdown on what’s been happening: On Monday, the U.S. Senate Republicans began their amped up attempt to rip away health care coverage from tens of millions of people and reverse consumer protections for everyone. They tried but failed (Only to try again!)
That’s right, yesterday, with your calls, emails, and in-person visits, we managed to fight back the attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement.
But now today, they are back at it again and we are not even sure what the details are of the health care proposal they are voting on! Is this any way to make health care policy for our nation’s families? No!
We cannot let them get away with this! We managed to defeat the straight repeal bill yesterday, with seven Republicans voting ‘no’ [1] but it’s not over yet! Your voices matter!
Call your U.S. Senators NOW and tell them "Vote no!" on ANY bill that repeals the Affordable Care Act or cuts Medicaid! 1-888-496-4842
Your calls, your voices are working! We can’t let up now.
**The key U.S. Senators that need to hear from their constituents are in Alaska, Arizona, Maine, Nevada, Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Please take a moment to share our health care hotline on social media:
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