It's been a big week. Catch up with #5Actions
This week we mourn the victims in Dayton and El Paso and stand with all those affected by the senseless gun deaths and domestic terrorism that are devastating our communities virtually every day -- and we will not rest until the epidemic of gun violence and hate in America ends. We also stand with all families affected by senseless immigration policies, in particular those torn apart in Mississippi this week.
Now more than ever it's critical you add your voice to these important calls to action, below. Then be sure to share them with families and friends too. Together we are powerful and making a difference.
Here's the list =>
1. Urge Congress: Take Action on Gun Safety NOW!
BACKGROUND: Enough is enough. We need our elected leaders to condemn hate and reaffirm their commitment to our democratic values of freedom and justice for everyone. And we need them to enact solutions NOW to stop our epidemic of gun violence. Urge your members of Congress to ban military-style assault weapons with high capacity magazines, pass the U.S. House gun safety bills on background checks and Red Flag laws, and to reject contributions from the gun lobby.
--> Can you do one more powerful thing? Make a donation for gun safety! The MomsRising community will never give up on gun safety. EVER. We will keep urging Congress to take action and protect families from senseless gun deaths and violence. With your help, we will crank up the Congressional pressure to ban military-style assault weapons with high capacity magazines, pass the U.S. House gun safety bills on background checks and Red Flag laws, and reject contributions from the gun lobby. Donate now!
2. Tell Congress and ICE to stop the raids!
BACKGROUND: Hearing children like 11-year-old Magdalena Gomez Gregorio begging — BEGGING — for her parents after a raid in Mississippi, where over six hundred people were detained by ICE, is beyond devastating.
We are traumatizing a whole generation of children and ripping apart families. We can - and have to! - stop this! ICE has the discretion to decide how and when they enforce policies, and Congress has the authority to restrict the funding to ICE that enables their #TrumpRaids. Tell Congress to restrict funding for ICE and tell Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to stop terrorizing children and our communities by putting an end to these raids and all forms of family separation!
3. Speak Out Against Discrimination in Health Care!
BACKGROUND: A patient’s health should always come first, but the Trump Administration has proposed a roll back of the Health Care Rights Law (Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act) that will embolden providers, insurers, hospitals, and others to discriminate against certain patients. This proposed rule change by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) would cause major harm to people with disabilities, people of color, people in the LGBTQ+ community, people whose first language is not English, and people seeking reproductive health care including abortion. Join us to speak out!
4. Tell Congress and State Governors to END Youth Incarceration NOW!
BACKGROUND: On any given day, the United States incarcerates nearly 60,000 youth under age 18 in jails and prisons, incarcerating more young people than any other country. Prison is no place for a kid. Children deserve a future free of criminalization, a future that supports their development and capacity to contribute meaningfully to society. Take action with us by telling Congress and our state Governors that we need them to END the practice of putting kids in prison and invest in community based supports, services, and opportunities for youth.
5. Urge Senator McConnell to Secure Our Elections!!
BACKGROUND: A bipartisan U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee just published its report on Russian efforts to influence our election and the conclusions are frightening. Among other findings, the bipartisan Committee concluded that the Russians probably targeted election systems in all 50 states and that non-Russian hackers are targeting our election infrastructure. Congress must take strong action to deter foreign nations from attempting to disrupt our elections and ensure that states secure their elections and have a paper ballot trail that can be audited if questions arise about the legitimacy of an outcome. SIGN NOW to tell your U.S. Senators and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to take action to secure our elections!
Thank you for all you do.
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