Sign up for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/our-lives-on-the-line-tickets-36083481665
WE WON! Health care was just saved in an extremely close vote in the U.S. Senate late last night!
Never doubt that your voice, your stories, and your phone calls, can make a difference. It does. Last night's health care vote is the proof.
While we won an important battle in the fight for millions of Americans’ health care, our fight continues.
For most of us, fighting for health care and Medicaid is personal. From a wellness checkup to maternity care to receiving chemotherapy treatments, access to affordable and quality health care has real consequences for us and our families. When politicians try to use our care as a bargaining tool for tax credits and political gain, they put our lives on the line.
Tomorrow, thousands of Americans will stand up at hundreds of events around the country. Our message will be clear. We will not forget: the GOP voted time and time again to strip away health care for millions of Americans. We are standing up and letting those in charge know that our lives are on the line! Currently there are over 115 events across 38 states and D.C. To find an event near you, click here: http://ourlivesontheline.org/#find
Later that day, there will be a D.C. based event and rally held in Freedom Plaza, a few blocks from the White House! The event will be hosted by actor Justin Long and will include a series of speakers, including directly impacted community members, as well as featuring a musical act about maintaining the momentum of the movement to push for health care reform. The fun will start around 6:30 pm ET! If you are in D.C. and want to join us, sign up here.
Not in D.C.? The event will be live streamed so you can still join in! You can also join the movement by using the hashtag #OurLives on Twitter and Instagram to share your experience with health care.
If we stand united across the country and in Washington, D.C., Congress won’t be able to ignore our message.
Thank you again for being a part of this fight and for all that you have done and continue to do. Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families and are making a difference in protecting care for all of us.
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