My remarks urging Attorney General Lynch to investigate the death of Sandra Bland
My name is Nina Perez and I am here today on behalf of MomsRising and our million plus members to say that we are heartbroken that yet another mother has had to bury her child too soon. No mother should have to face that tragedy, or have to live in fear that their child will be harmed at the hands of those charged with their protection.
More and more Americans are becoming aware of the ways in which the police racially profile, assault, or even kill Black men and women at significantly higher rates than White people and are calling for needed change.
In fact, studies show that police stop, ticket, arrest, and incarcerate African Americans and Latinos at disproportionate rates—and that Black women are three to four times more likely to be targeted by police and incarcerated than White women. This hurts our economy and our families. In a recent post, MomsRising blogger, Kellie King-Jackson, wrote an apology to her daughter for previously discounting her fears of the police. Kellie and her husband thought that their young African American son was more likely to be profiled than their daughter, but the Sandra Bland story woke them up to the harsh reality that both of their children were in danger. “I am sorry that I believed you were safe because you are the 'good girl' and listen and say yes sir/ma'am,” Kellie writes. “I am sorry that the work I have done my entire life has not resulted in systemic changes that ensure you are safe in our streets or judicial system. I am sorry for paying more attention to the risk we assumed faced your brother, which has left you vulnerable… You are not safe. You must be alert at all times. You are worthy of so much more but I cannot promise it to you.”
No mother should have to give this type of warning to her daughter. No mother should have to see or hear footage of a police officer screaming to their daughter,“I’m going to light you up!” like Sandra Bland’s mom did. No mother should have to hear her daughter’s head getting slammed on the ground by an arresting officer. No mother, and no one, should lose a loved one. It is simply not acceptable.
We stand with Sandra Bland’s family in seeing her tragic death as yet another case of racial profiling with lethal results. MomsRising and our members across the country join the call for President Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch to use the full power of the Justice Department to investigate and prosecute those who played a role in the arrest and death of Sandra Bland – and to take steps to end racial profiling and police brutality. Together, we are a powerful force to build a better America for us all.
I’m now going to give my remarks in Spanish, because Spanish speaking as well as English speaking Black Latinos and all Latinos are subject to racial profiling and police violence. To read remarks in Spanish, go here: http://www.momsrising.org/blog/node/44658
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