Patrisse Cullors
No Mom Should Have to Bury Their Child; This is a Fight for Maternal Justice
As a new parent there are so many rituals, new memories, and moments that unfold as the weeks and months go by. We watch our children form their first smile, utter their first sounds, cry their piercing cries. I was so nervous bringing my baby home. I felt like they were too fragile and that I was not yet skilled enough to respond to their every need. Slowly with the support of my mother, husband, and brilliant community, I started developing a special relationship with the human being I helped birth. We are now thriving in our relationship and love as parent and child.
The worst feeling for a parent is imagining your child dying. Carnell Snell Jr, who was murdered by the Los Angeles Police Department on his own street this week, was an 18-year-old child. He was somebody’s baby. No mom should have to bury their child. There are certain things that are unacceptable, and that is one of them.
On Monday, I was arrested by the LAPD while demanding accountability and justice for Carnell Snell Jr and his family. As a new parent, I feel it is my responsibility and duty to show up for Black parents and call out local government officials. As a new mom, I'm surrounded by Black death and am tired of it. I know that Black life deserves to be fought for. We are worth fighting for.
In the face of constant consumption of Black death, we must invest in imagining Black life. We must build Black economies. We must demand that government at the national and local level invest in our communities and support the thriving of our families. This includes ensuring access to good jobs, healthcare, housing, food and public education. This also means ending the criminalization of Black people, demilitarizing law enforcement, and guaranteeing community control of public institutions like civilian review boards of the police.
We are fighting for Black humanity, dignity, and liberation. We are fighting to ensure our children's future.
Join us. Invest in the imagining of Black life. Support Black economies. Be active in local struggles in your community. Prioritize this current movement. Black lives matter. All day, every day.
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