We've done the work. Kick your feet up this Mother's Day!
Not Your Average Filibuster.
What comes to mind when you think of a filibuster? Sneakers with suits, sore feet, phone books, long novels, green eggs & ham, and even pointless drivel. Sometimes it means doing a lot just to end up doing nothing at all. Usually the filibuster delays the inevitable; most recently it means doing nothing (sort of) in order to avoid doing something. The filibusters of yesteryear - the ones we grew up learning about in grade school happen much less frequently.
What were those filibusters like? Referred to as “talking filibusters”, they were long. Sometimes long enough to prevent a vote on a legislation, but most often it delayed the inevitable. Once it was clear that legislators might continue to the point of exhaustion, rules were adopted to end the filibuster with two thirds vote: cloture. It comes from the word closure but is to me is also reminiscent of the word clot (which means to to clump together) but effectively creates a stoppage.
And now, the more common filibuster these days, is the “silent” filibuster. Just as its name implies there is no grandstanding or long speech here, you just roundup 40 senators that agree with you and simply threaten to filibuster. Though it’s been around since the 1970s it’s not what we envision - and certainly does not get the same kind of press coverage as a talking filibuster.
(Still confused about and want to learn about the actual filibuster? We’ve got you covered.)
THIS is why we are thrilled for the first ever MOMibuster. Real families, real voices lifting up their stories, their concerns, their pleas for a better tomorrow. We’ve rounded up more than 8 hours of stories and that barely begins to scratch the surface of what families across the country are going through.
Families need child care now.
Families need paid leave now.
Families need to feel safe now.
Families need home health care now.
Families need reproductive freedom now.
Families need robust economic policies now.
That’s why this Mother’s Day weekend, families are taking over the narrative. This is their much deserved moment to speak and be heard. Their words aren’t a recitation of irrelevant books or documents. Their words are their truth. Best of all, you don’t even have to get off your couch, because families also need rest.
Care. Can’t. Wait.
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