Say NO WAY to Florida child labor law rollbacks
The glow of Valentine's Day is still about, but it’s hard to feel the love when Florida Republicans' heartless efforts to roll back child labor protections that keep our kids safe from employer exploitation are moving faster than Cupid’s arrow right through the heart.
Yes, you read that right. Rolling BACK child labor laws meant to protect children’s health, workplace welfare, and education. And sadly it already passed the House.
This bill might as well be called the “Help kids dropout of High School” bill. Despite many concerns shared during floor debate, the Florida House passed a bill that rolls back labor protections for children because they want more kids working in the service industry without protections from working more than 8 hours a day - DURING SCHOOL HOURS.
This means employers could schedule our high-school 16 and 17 year olds without any care for their education. And with the state unable to enforce and regulate truancy as it is, there will be nothing to protect high schoolers from dropping out of school to work full–time.
What exactly does this bill do?
According to analysis from the Florida Policy Institute, this legislation (as of January 30th) would allow employers to schedule 16- and 17-year olds for more than six days in a row, more than eight hours on Sundays and holidays before school days, and without breaks — whether during school months or not. It would also cut 16- and 17-year-old home- and virtual-school students out of all existing hour and curfew laws.
I mean the numbers just don’t add up? When are these kids supposed to go to school?!
They can’t. That’s the point.
Moms are TIRED. Tired of these attacks on kids. Our kids (from the youngest to the teens) have the right to learn and grow without being asked to be adults before their time.
Fired up and ready to act now? Call your Florida Senator now by using this easy linked call in page that will automatically connect you.
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