Mom and baby at Strolling Thunder
It’s time for North Carolina to #ThinkBabies! Each year on average 120,000 babies are born in our state, full of potential and possibilities. We know that what happens in the early years matters. Early experiences shape how a baby’s brain develops, laying the foundation for future learning, behavior and health.
This summer North Carolina is joining a national movement to bring attention to what babies — and families — need to thrive. In DC and around the country, families are joining Strolling Thunder rallies where parents and little ones grab their strollers and head to Congress and state capitols to tell policymakers it’s time to prioritize infants, toddlers, and their families and, in the process, build more vibrant communities and a more prosperous future for all of us.
Strolling Thunder is coming to Raleigh on June 7th, and we need you there! No experience necessary!
Giving all babies a strong start in life yields significant returns in the long run through more years of education, more employment, and better health as an adult. MomsRising is excited to partner with the NC Early Education Coalition, NC Association for the Education of Young Children, child care providers and more to remind NC lawmakers about the importance of quality, affordable child care, healthy emotional development, strong physical health and nutrition, and making sure parents have the support and resources they need. We’ll be working together to lift these up all year long.
On June 7th, our goal is to introduce lawmakers to the #ThinkBabies campaign and raise awareness of why it’s so important to prioritize the very early years. We also want to have fun and hear from YOU – the people who know personally why this matters so much.
You’re invited to join us for any and all of the activities that day. We know that attending events with little ones can be tricky, so we want you to come and go as you need in order to do what's best for you and your family.
Here’s what we have planned:
9:00 – Program begins
9:30 – Meetings with legislators begin. Talking with your lawmaker about why these issues matter can be very powerful, but you don't have to speak with a legislator in order to be part of Strolling Thunder NC. If you are interested in meeting with legislators, we are happy to work with you to make you feel more comfortable and can even go with you. If you are interested in meeting with legislators, please click here to fill out the survey and tell us more about you and your family so we can best support you:https://action.momsrising.org/go/37709?t=8&ak_proof=1&akid=10825%2E2501433%2Exy8U8I
10:00 - Stroller decorating - We will have supplies available to decorate strollers and will be taking a group stroll around the General Assembly at 10:00 am.
10:30 – Stroll around the NC General Assembly-Try to make it by this time if you can. The visuals of babies and folks who love them strolling around the legislature will be powerful!
11:00 – Playtime! Baby-friendly activities in Bicentennial Plaza (across from the Museum) – We’ll have blocks, bubbles, toy cars, coloring, and more. Parents are expected to stay with their children during this time as child care is not provided as part of the event. If it’s raining, then the playtime will be moved from Bicentennial Plaza to inside the NC Museum of Natural Sciences.
****Want to come, but travel costs make it difficult? Our partners at the NC Early Education Coalition have scholarships available to cover some travel costs for parents and early care and education providers of young children ages zero to three to join us. If you would like to join us and need a scholarship, please email me at Beth@momsrising.org.
Our state’s littlest learners need us to stand up (and stroll!) for their futures. We hope to see you there!
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