Take #5Actions To Make A Quick Impact!
Drum roll please… below are the #5Actions for this week! You can do all five of the actions on one day, or spread them out across the week—your choice. The important thing is not WHEN you do them, but IF you do them. And if you do them, your actions will add up with others, and you're sure to have an impact.
Here are your #5Actions for this week:
1. Send Town Hall Questions To Congress By Clicking Below:
—> ACTION: http://action.momsrising.org/survey/recess-questions/
BACKGROUND: Right now, members of Congress are in their home districts and many are hosting Town Halls to hear from constituents. Not everyone can attend in-person, so we’ve compiled a list of questions that we’ll be submitting to members of Congress for them to answer in order to represent the people who can’t be there—and we’d love it if you added your name to our letter so they pay attention to it.
—> ACTION: http://action.momsrising.org/survey/2017AprilRecessDropOffs/
BACKGROUND: While there are a lot of disheartening and outrageous things happening in DC these days, taking action in your own backyard by visiting your U.S. Senator or Representative’s district office (or attending a local Town Hall) during the congressional recess that’s happening now is a perfect, powerful antidote. Especially when we’re lifting up win-win-win solutions that will boost families, businesses, and the economy! Sign up to drop off a high-impact packet of information to the district offices of your member of Congress about policies that boost our family economic security as well as our entire national economy, like paid family & medical leave and earned sick day. Your voice is needed ASAP to help educate our members of Congress about what really matters to families and economy. It’s up to us to tell Congress so the policies they push for match the reality their constituents face every day.
3. Join The Next MomsRising #KeepMarching Telephone Town Hall (free!)
→ ACTION: action.momsrising.org/survey/KeepMarchingTeleTownHall_PFL/
BACKGROUND: MomsRising's #KeepMarching Telephone Town Hall trainings are a great way to turbocharge your advocacy and get informed about the top issues impacting families today. Don't miss our next meeting, where we'll be covering Paid Family and Medical Leave, one area where exciting, positive things are happening at the local level across the country! During this #KeepMarching telephone town hall meeting, we'll do a deep dive and talk about why access to affordable, comprehensive paid family and medical leave is so necessary for families, employers and our economy—and get tips on how to pass policies like it. When you join the call, you’ll hear answers to these questions: What is the current state of play? What happens next and what do we need to watch out for? We’ll also shine a spotlight on the amazing grassroots activism happening at the state and local level that has been critical for generating the momentum we’re seeing on this issue. *Sign up to join us on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, at 9 PM EDT/ 6 PM PDT.
4. Tell NYC Mayor de Blasio: We’ll Keep Fighting for #JusticeForRamarley
—> ACTION: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/Ramarley-Graham-Petition/
BACKGROUND: Ramarley Graham was 18 years old, unarmed, and within his family’s home when killed by NYPD officers in front of his 6-year-old brother and grandmother. Officer Richard Haste shot and killed Graham, and several other officers busted into the home without a warrant or cause and engaged in misconduct. That Richard Haste was allowed to resign recently after the NYPD did nothing but give him tens of thousands of dollars of pay raises in the five years since unjustly killing Graham demonstrates that there is no real accountability by the department. Join us in calling for the following: 1. Sergeant Scott Morris and Officer John McLoughlin must have their trial start dates announced and be fired immediately; 2. All of the officers responsible for Graham’s killing and related misconduct must be identified and fired.
5. Your QUICK Signature Needed--We Need High-Quality, Affordable Childcare
—> ACTION: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/Childcare/
BACKGROUND: We don’t have to tell you—the struggle is real when it comes to childcare! In every state in the U.S., a month of childcare for two children costs more than the median rent. It’s no surprise that many parents are forced to leave the workforce, and forego a reliable paycheck, because they don’t have high-quality, affordable childcare and paid family leave. This results in $28.9 billion a year in lost wages. That’s some serious cash we are leaving on the table! The U.S. Congress needs to step up to the plate and pass policies that increase access to high-quality childcare by addressing affordability for families and compensation for providers. *Join us and write your members of Congress NOW! Tell them to support high-quality, affordable childcare legislation!
Thank you for all you do to make our nation stronger and a place where everyone can thrive! #KeepMarching!
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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