This Week's Top #5Actions! Nov. 22, 2019
As we head into the Thanksgiving holiday next week, we are super grateful for all of our MomsRising members and all that you do. Please take a minute to check out our latest list of actions. We are fighting for Equal Pay, Protecting SNAP and reducing the amount of young people in prison. Here's the list =>
1. TAKE ACTION on Latina Equal Pay Day!
BACKGROUND: Latinas have to wait until November 20th – nearly the end of 2019 – to earn what white men made in just 12 months in 2018. Yes, that’s nearly 11 extra months of work. When it comes down to dollars and cents, Latinas are paid just 54 cents for every dollar paid to white men. Latina moms, over 60% of whom are breadwinners for their families, make even less – just 46 cents for every dollar paid to white dads. TAKE ACTION! Tell Congress: Close the wage gap for Latinas with a package of bills that would advance equal pay!.
2. Ignite Democracy. Every gift MATCHED!
BACKGROUND: When moms rise, BIG things happen. Like igniting democracy! In fact, for the recent elections last week, MomsRising members like you generated a MASSIVE amount of get-out-the-vote energy — by sending thousands upon thousands of hand-written voter postcards to infrequent mom voters, by making personal videos to inspire other moms, by sharing info and encouragement via text message, by hosting parties at the voting polls, and so much, much more. What made all this possible? Your enthusiastic support. To keep up the MOMentum for democracy, we’ve opened the Giving Tuesday Match EARLY! Become a dedicated MomsRising Champion monthly donor and ignite democracy ALL OVER AMERICA, all year long!
3. No New Youth Prisons in NJ!
BACKGROUND: DYK, youth prisons and the practice of incarcerating youth are ineffective and continue to cost states exorbitant amounts of taxpayer dollars? Still, the US incarcerates more young people than any other country. Youth prisons do little to improve community safety as compared to community based efforts, that provide alternatives to incarceration that support young people and the services they need. Tell @GovMurphy: NO NEW YOUTH PRISONS in NJ!
4. SIGN NOW: Tell the Trump Administration #HandsOffSNAP....again!
BACKGROUND: It’s only been a few months since President Trump’s last attack on SNAP (or food stamps), but now he’s at it again with his cruel attempts to take food stamps away from struggling families in order to pay for tax cuts for billionaires and big corporations — even though studies show that food stamps boost both families and our economy. This is the THIRD TIME he has undermined the wishes of Congress and tried to propose a rule that would limit the number of families that could receive SNAP and reduced the amount of benefits recipients could receive. This hurts kids. This hurts our families. And this hurts our economy.
5. Let's Increase Funding for Child Care and Head Start This Year!
BACKGROUND: The struggle is real when it comes to finding high-quality, affordable care for our children. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), the major federal child care program, helps families with the cost of child care and supports states to improve the quality and supply of care. Families deserve enriching child care options that won’t break the bank and will work for them, and child care assistance is essential for helping families find and afford the high-quality care they need! SIGN NOW to urge Congress to increase funding for Head Start and the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) in the FY 2020 budget!
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