Top #5Actions of the Past Week: August 10, 2018
We know you are busy with summer vacations and in some parts of the country getting kids back to school, so that’s why we provide the top #5Actions for the week for you to review and take action. This week, we need your help in stopping the spread of 3D guns, protecting SNAP, and preventing even more tax cuts for billionaires. We also have an update on how you can help support family reunification. As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
1. NO to untraceable, undetectable 3D guns!
3D guns are a grave threat to public safety and national security. It is madness to give everyone in the world free instructions on how to produce them.
- - 3D guns are *untraceable*, because they don’t have serial numbers.
- - 3D guns are *undetectable*, because they are made of plastic.
- - And 3D guns *can be produced by anyone *with access to a 3D printer and blueprints, making a mockery of background checks, concealed-carry permits, and other commonsense gun safety measures.
* Tell the State Department to stop free downloads of blueprints for 3D-printed guns by terminating its settlement with Defense Distributed.
2. Tell Congress: No tax cuts for billionaires and mega-corporations!
Despite the fact that the GOP-Trump tax plan passed in December is wildly unpopular, the GOP leadership in the House of Representatives and President Trump are looking to do a second round of tax cuts overwhelmingly benefiting the 1% and Wall Street. Tax plan? How about a tax scam!!!
They are planning to vote on the Tax Scam 2.0 when they return to Washington, D.C. in September. NOW is the time to speak out and stop this terrible, horrible, harmful tax scam.
* Sign our letter now telling the U.S. Congress to give us what our families really need and stop proposing harmful tax cuts that mostly benefit millionaires, billionaires, and mega-corporations and instead pass tax policies that boost working families!!
Because moms, dads, and concerned people spoke out, sent letters, and shared their stories we had a big victory in June when the U.S. Senate passed a bipartisan Farm Bill that protects SNAP (food stamps)! This came after the U.S. House of Representatives passed their destructive Farm Bill, which takes away SNAP from millions of families and enforces strict and unnecessary work requirements. Now a Conference Committee needs to work out the differences between the two bills. Only one version — the Senate bill — protects SNAP and lifts up our families and our economy.
We need YOU to help us keep this momentum going!
* SIGN our letter to the U.S. Congress now asking them to protect SNAP in the Farm Bill!
4. 5 Ways You Can Support Family Reunification Efforts!
While the Trump administration has failed to reunify all the families it separated at the border, it is up to all of us to assist these families. This issue should not be political: this is less about immigration and more about protecting children and defending a core ideal of this nation that families are not a political game.
Here are some steps to can take today to support these families!
5. One more thing to help MomsVote!
We are mobilizing a massive get-out-the-vote effort, and every dollar helps. Will you contribute whatever you can to help us get out the MomsVote this election? Together we CAN make a difference.
P.S. This entire list is also on the MomsRising.org blog here. Be sure to share the link with family and friends!
Register to vote! / ¡Regístrese para votar!
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