Top #5Actions of the Past Week: August 16, 2019
Summer is heading towards a close, and school and legislatures alike will soon be back in session. As we've seen, we can't take a break when it comes to speaking out about issues affecting our families and communities. THANK YOU to all who added their name to our urgent calls to action around family separation and gun safety this past week. Tens of thousands of us spoke out, and never fear: we are making progress. We need to keep the pressure on.
Please see this week's list of our top 5 Actions below, and be sure you've added your name to all. Scroll to the end for the actions around gun safety and immigration, if you missed signing those last week. And if you did sign them can you share with family and friends too? We're also including new actions around equal pay for the US Women's Soccer team, childcare, and WIC.
Thank you for all you do! On with the list =>
BACKGROUND: Fresh off their incredible fourth World Cup win, the U.S. Women's National Team has a lot of momentum in their fight for equal pay, including newly introduced federal legislation. The Athletics Fair Pay Act, introduced by U.S. Senator Feinstein and U.S. Representative Matsui, would require U.S. Soccer to pay the men's and women's teams equally. In a ridiculous turn of events, the U.S. Soccer Federation hired not one but TWO lobbying firms to argue against equal pay for the women's World Cup champions!
Now we have a chance to join the U.S. Women's National Team's fight and be on their team by making some noise and making sure that the U.S. Soccer Federation hears loud and clear that the fans of soccer, and equal pay, are not impressed by these moves.
>>> Tell the U.S. Soccer Federation to STOP lobbying against equal pay and instead pay the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team equitably!
2. Make Congress Take Notice on Childcare with a Letter in Your Local Paper!
BACKGROUND: We hear daily from families who are struggling to find affordable, high-quality childcare. Right now, more than half of all Americans live in childcare deserts and, for those who can access care, the cost exceeds that of most major household expenses including housing. The recent increase in the Child Care and Development Block Grant has helped, but it's just not enough. That's why elected leaders need to hear from you with a letter to the editor in your local paper. Members of Congress and their staff pay close attention to letters to the editor in local newspapers as a way to gauge the opinions of constituents. Your voice is needed to let your elected leaders know that families back in their home state are standing up, taking notice, and are expecting them to support an increase of $2.4 billion for the Child Care and Development Block Grant in the Fiscal Year 2020 appropriations bill. This would mean childcare for up to 300,000 (!!!!) more children. We make it easy; get started here.
3. Tell Congress: Pass the WIC Act!
BACKGROUND: Millions of moms and babies are boosted by the Special Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) each month, including more than half of all infants born in the U.S. But still there has been a steady decline in WIC participation over the years that could lead to negative health impacts for both moms and kids. That is why it is so exciting that a bi-partisan group of U.S. Senators have introduced the WIC Act to make improvements to this important nutrition and health program so more moms, infants, and toddlers can access the program. ADD YOUR SIGNATURE to our letter to the U.S. Congress now telling them to co-sponsor and pass the WIC Act this year!!
4. Urge Congress: Take Action on Gun Safety NOW!
BACKGROUND: Enough is enough. We need our elected leaders to condemn hate and reaffirm their commitment to our democratic values of freedom and justice for everyone. And we need them to enact solutions NOW to stop our epidemic of gun violence. Urge your members of Congress to ban military-style assault weapons with high capacity magazines, pass the U.S. House gun safety bills on background checks and Red Flag laws, and to reject contributions from the gun lobby.
--> Can you do one more powerful thing? Make a donation for gun safety! The MomsRising community will never give up on gun safety. EVER. We will keep urging Congress to take action and protect families from senseless gun deaths and violence. With your help, we will crank up the Congressional pressure to ban military-style assault weapons with high capacity magazines, pass the U.S. House gun safety bills on background checks and Red Flag laws, and reject contributions from the gun lobby. Donate now!
5. Tell Congress and ICE to Stop the Raids!
BACKGROUND: Hearing children like 11-year-old Magdalena Gomez Gregorio begging — BEGGING — for her parents after a raid in Mississippi, where over six hundred people were detained by ICE, is beyond devastating. We are traumatizing a whole generation of children and ripping apart families. We can - and have to! - stop this! ICE has the discretion to decide how and when they enforce policies, and Congress has the authority to restrict the funding to ICE that enables their #TrumpRaids. Tell Congress to restrict funding for ICE and tell Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to stop terrorizing children and our communities by putting an end to these raids and all forms of family separation!
Thank you for all you do,
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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