Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, May 7, 2021
This Mother’s Day weekend, we are inviting YOU to join us in taking ACTION to get Congress moving toward real change in honor of all the moms and caregivers who have moved mountains over the past 14 months of the pandemic (and way before that too). It’s time for our nation to finally build a care infrastructure that lasts long after the flowers of Mother’s Day wilt. We are so thankful for all the work you’ve done to raise this issue and so many others. Now, with the American Families & Jobs Plans finally on the table, we have a chance to double down on standing up and get results in the very near future.
So please join us this week in taking #5Actions in honor of moms. When you scroll down below, you’ll find actions and opportunities to be engaged, including sign ups for an event on building solidarity with Asian American families and a virtual tech-in to protect our democracy and our rights, supporting long term investments in a care infrastructure, paid leave, maternal mental health, as well as an action to advance reimagining safety for every community, and more!
The best Mother’s Day present would be a country that has policies which support and uplift moms. Thank YOU for all that you continue to do to lift our families!
-- Nadia, Nina, Kristin, Gloria, Tina, Diarra, Nate, Jordan, and the rest of the MomsRising / MamásConPoder Team
Make a Gift. Pick a Card!
Did you forget to pick up a card? We’ve got you covered with beautiful Mother’s Day e-cards! Honor or memorialize a mom you love while building a movement that stands up every day for women, moms and families.
Click to Honor or Memorialize a Mom You Love!
A Happy Mother’s Day means investing in critical care infrastructure!
Moms and caregivers have been trying their best and have supported, lifted, and held together this entire nation by taking on so many roles during the pandemic ALL AT THE SAME TIME, and it is about time we build the care infrastructure we, our nation, and our economy needs -- like universal paid leave and access to universal child care, home- and community-based care for people with disabilities and the aging, as well as living wages and a path to citizenship for all care economy workers.
Special Online Event for Mothers: Building Solidarity With Asian Americans
Have you heard about the horrifying new playground game called Coronavirus Tag? This is when the Asian American kid is “it” so that whoever that kid tags “gets the virus.” Yes, this game is actually happening and it’s awful! It likely involves bullying and also reinforces harmful stereotypes and promotes otherization and divisiveness.
Regardless of color, ethnicity, religion, or gender identity, no child should ever feel bullied or otherized, and it’s up to moms to see it and stop it.
During this online event, we’ll share some of the history of Asian Americans, and why otherization has dogged this community, particularly in times of crises. We’ll talk about what Asian Americans are now experiencing that stemmed from Donald Trump’s hateful policies and rhetoric, including the recent spike in anti-Asian hate and violence, which is overwhelmingly and disproportionately affecting women. We’ll also cover harmful stereotypes like the Model Minority myth, how to talk to children to humanize Asian Americans - or any group of people perceived to be different from themselves - to fight bullying, racism, and otherization, and how to work with your school system to create an inclusive, welcoming environment for all children.
RSVP for our event and you'll get more information about how to watch.
Paid Leave for All. Now.
Many families find themselves struggling right now--forced to figure out how to care for themselves or a loved one with zero weeks of paid leave. Paid leave is the key to our long-term health, stability, and prosperity. Paid leave saves jobs. Paid leave saves lives. We can and we must pass it now.
Urge Congress to support critical funding for maternal mental health!
Perinatal and postpartum disorders during pregnancy and after birth, are as common as gestational diabetes, but stigma, fear, and lack of information means we don’t talk about it as much as we should. Infact, maternal mental health disorders like postpartum depression are the number one complication of childbirth, yet 1 in 5 women report NOT being screened for maternal depression despite universal screening being recommended.
We can and we must do better for mothers and babies. Congress is setting its funding priorities for the year and increased support for maternal mental health and screening and treatment of maternal depression are critical.
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