Happy Friday. Summer is racing by, and we hope you've had some time to relax and recharge. To make your action-taking as smooth and easy as possible we're sharing our latest list of top actions in urgent need of your support. This week we're talking about financing private prisons, immigration, tax credits for families, affordable childcare, and more. Please scroll through to be sure you've signed them all. Then share with friends and family, too!
Thank you for all you do, and here's the list =>
1. Tell Barclays, PNC and Other Banks: Stop Financing Pain For Corporate Gain!
BACKGROUND: Private for-profit prisons are a key component of President Trump’s plan to incarcerate immigrant children and families; and are also part of the system of mass incarceration that has particularly devastated communities of color. This is a big deal. More than 70% of immigrants in immigration custody are in private prisons. The good news is that we are making a tremendous difference! Working with the powerful Families Belong Together coalition, we won the commitment of JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, SunTrust Bank, BNP Paribas, and Fifth Third Bancorp to end financing of private prisons, where the majority of people in immigration custody are detained. Let’s keep up our momentum by getting more banks to stop financing private prisons too! *Sign now to say NO to Barclays, PNC Bank, and other banks profiting from the suffering of families!
2. URGE CONGRESS: Support Working Family Tax Credits!
BACKGROUND: Representatives Kildee and Evans have introduced the House-companion to the Working Families Tax Relief Act (H.R. 3157). This legislation will go a long way to fixing our broken tax code, especially for the millions of families that were left out of the benefits of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (aka the Trump Tax Scam). These improvements provide struggling families with the support they desperately need. SIGN our letter to the U.S. Congress telling them to strengthen tax credits for working families, like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit, and repeal the Trump-GOP Tax Scam!
3. Struggling to Afford Child Care This Summer? Share your story!
BACKGROUND: While summer vacation is an exciting time for children, it can be incredibly stressful, expensive, and challenging for families to secure summer childcare for their children. For many families, that means 20% of their income will go to childcare in the summer months! Are you one of the folks struggling to piece together childcare this summer? Tell us your experience and we'll share it with elected leaders to ensure they make high-quality, affordable childcare a priority!
4. Speak Out: Every Member of Congress Must Stand up Against Trump’s Racism
BACKGROUND: President Trump said he’s not concerned about being a racist, because “many people agree with me.” This was in reference to his tweet directed against U.S. Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna S. Pressley, saying they should “go back” to their “broken countries.” It’s time for every single U.S. senator and representative to clearly let us know if they stand against hateful racism, sexism, and division! Tell your members of Congress to speak up now and make clear they do NOT agree with President Trump’s racism.
5. Stop the Monsters in the Trump Administration
BACKGROUND: Tell Congress that it’s time to stand up for immigrant children and families and pass two pieces of legislation — the Homeland Security Improvement Act (HR 2203) and the Humanitarian Standards for Individuals in Customs and Border Protection Custody Act (HR 3239). If passed, this legislation would give much needed relief and protection to families most vulnerable to the Trump Administration’s cruel, anti-immigrant policies.
Thank you for all you do,
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