Top #5Actions of the Past Week: September 21, 2018
Happy Friday! We're back with this week's list of top actions, and it is robust. As fall and school kick into high gear, so does our work! From telling Congress *no* to more tax breaks for big corporations, to demanding banks stop funding for-profit prison and detention corporations, we've got work to do. On that note: did you know September 26 is National Voter Registration Day? You can take action around that below, too!
Thank you, and remember to share this list with friends and family, and #KeepMarching!
1. Tell Congress: Vote NO on #TaxScam2
BACKGROUND: With everyone’s attention focused on the Supreme Court nomination and the upcoming elections, the U.S. House of Representatives is hoping to sneak through more destructive tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations! Good thing that moms have eyes in the backs of our heads! We won’t stand for another tax scam benefiting the 1% and paid for by cuts to vital healthcare, nutrition, and education programs. We need investments in our communities and the programs that boost our families and the economy! ***SIGN our letter saying "VOTE NO” on Tax Scam 2.0, and while you're there, check out our AWESOME new tax video clearly explaining why this plan is harmful to our families and economy!
2. Your Voice is Needed on Childcare!
BACKGROUND: The childcare struggle is real. And according to a new study, it's not just a gut punch to families, but to our workforce, too! A study just released by the Center of American Progress (CAP) found that 77% of parents with children under the age of five report that access to childcare has negatively impacted their career advancement--with millennial parents being some of the hardest hit. This means parents are forced to leave jobs to provide care, forgo full-time jobs, wait on promotions, and more. This is NOT good news for our economy or families. Parents are trying their best, but the reality is that families are being stretched too thin. That's why elected leaders need to hear from you! Send us a quick note on why affordable, high-quality childcare is important to your family so we can show elected leaders that access to childcare is a big problem that needs even bigger solutions!
3. Urge Congress to Support Pregnant Women!
BACKGROUND: Two exciting pieces of legislation that address maternal mortality and morbidity and the racial disparities driving this issue have been introduced in Congress.
- The Maternal Care Access and Reducing Emergencies (CARE) Act (S.3363) looks to create two new grant programs--one for implicit bias training and another for pregnancy medical home (PMH) programs which will help deliver health care services to pregnant women and new moms.
- The Modernizing Obstetric Medicine Standards (MOMS) Act (S. 3392) would provide new funding to hospitals with obstetrics and gynecology practices that want to improve their response to pregnancy-related and pregnancy-associated complications by implementing standardized best practices that could save lives.
Sign on now to add your support!
4. Help Get the Word Out => Sept. 25 is National Voter Registration Day!
BACKGROUND: In some states, the last day you can register to vote could be as far out as 30 days before Election Day! This means that many people are at risk for “the oopsies.” That’s when they finally look up from taking care of their jobs, their families, their pets, and a bazillion other obligations to finally pay attention to their voter registration, only to discover they missed the last day to register -- oops! Well, NO OOPSIES if we can help it! The upcoming general election is too important for anyone to accidentally miss registering to vote. Take action and fight the oopsies! Get the “September 25 is National Voter Registration Day” flyer now. When you sign on by filling out the form, you'll get a link to download the “September 25 is National Voter Registration Day” flyer in color or b&w, and social media tools to share online!
BACKGROUND: Sign on and we'll email you everything you need to do a drop off. It only takes a few minutes, will make a big impact, and is urgently needed. Why? Every child deserves to be tucked into a safe bed to sleep. But for-profit prison and detention corporations are profiting off taking parents away from children, incarcerating children, and putting families behind bars. It's time for Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase to stop financing Geo Group and and CoreCivic, two of the largest for-profit prison and detention corporations. Whether you're paying to incarcerate kids alone or with their parents, or to lock parents away from their families, this is not who we strive to be as a nation. There can be no business in abuse. Join us in urging Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase to stop financing GeoGroup and Core Civic.
Thank you for all you do, we're excited for this fall (!!) and #KeepMarching!
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