Top Actions of the Past Week: Friday, December 8, 2023
The time to RISE is NOW! Can you help?
We are so appreciative of the hundreds of supporters who’ve already made an EOY gift this year. If you haven’t given yet, it’s not too late! Through the support of a generous donor, all gifts (up to $30k) made through the rest of the year will be matched dollar-for-dollar. MomsRising is a highly effective, very nimble organization. We are second to none in quickly adapting to meet the moment so the voices of busy moms and parents are heard by leaders and the media. Your matched donation today strengthens our ability to respond powerfully to opportunities to move good policy forward and also to push back against emerging threats to moms and families. Please consider a gift today!
Make a MATCHED End-of-Year Gift!
Super Moms needed!
2024 will be a big election year, there’s lots of great legislation gaining momentum in Congress, and MomsRising is getting ready to go big to meet the moment. We are looking for people like YOU, Super Moms, Dads, and Caregivers to work with us in a deeper way – people who are interested in building power and leading in their communities to help make sure the policy priorities of moms and families are reflected at the policy making table, and also at the polls.This leadership development program is for all kinds of moms and caregivers, including those who are already community leaders, or who are looking to amp up their advocacy and leadership skills! APPLY NOW!
APPLY NOW for the 2024 New Beacons Fellowship Program!
Extremist Republicans are playing politics with our teachers and schools … again!
Thank you to everyone who took action this week to protect our schools! If you did not get a chance to sign, your voice is really needed now. Since we last wrote to you, the Senate released updated National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) text, and the bill still includes the so-called "parents rights" section - now Section 589. Earlier this year, the Senate did not take up House Republicans' "Parents Bill of WRONGS" to ban books, discriminate against students and teachers, and make life harder for our kids at school. Now, House Republicans have slipped this unwanted, unnecessary, and unpopular garbage into must-pass legislation — the NDAA — to push this harmful agenda on our Department of Defense public schools, teachers, and children of service members. The Senate will debate the NDAA early next week, and we need this more moderate body to stop the extremist House Republicans from trying to pass “parents rights” piece by piece until they can do it nationwide.
Elijah McClain deserved justice. It’s time to reimagine policing and safety.
On November 27, 2023 officer Nathen Woodyard, the police officer responsible for holding Elijah McClain in a chokehold, was acquitted of all charges. He will be reinstated into the Aurora Colorado Police Department and will receive $200,000 in back pay.
This is an outrage and an insult to the beautiful life of Elijah McClain. Elijah did not have any weapons or illegal substances on his person, and repeatedly told officers that he was innocent.
There is now proposed legislation that would reimagine our response to community violence and crime by funding evidence-based alternatives to police and providing meaningful investments into the root causes that hinder public safety.
The People’s Response Act emphasizes an inclusive, holistic, and health-centered approach to public safety by creating a public safety division within the Department of Human Health and Services — because communities and experts agree that public safety is a matter of public health. It adopts a new approach to public safety that will save lives, and build systems of care that are rooted in improving the well-being of all communities. This approach must be equitable, health-centered, and preventative to stop violence and harm before it occurs while ensuring that every community has what it needs to flourish.
Elijah and the countless other victims of excessive police force and police violence continue to deserve justice. They all deserved a different response.
Tell Congress to Pass the People's Response Act!
TAKE ACTION to tell Congress: Stop being a Grinch on Child Care!
It’s been 51 years since President Nixon vetoed the Comprehensive Child Development Act, which prevented the implementation of a multibillion-dollar national child care system. It also marks the last time there was a major Congressional push for child care!
You’re a mean one, Mr. Nixon, and unfortunately Republicans in Congress have followed in his ice-cold Grinchy footsteps by allowing critical child care stabilization funds to expire this past September, knowing full well that 3.2 million children could lose their access to child care as a result.
This is why we are urging Congress to finally move away from the Grinch agenda they’ve stuck to for decades and provide at least $16 billion per year in emergency child care dollars while ensuring no cuts to child care and early learning programs. This is the only way to address a 50 plus year crisis without creating yet another one by not ensuring these supplemental funds for our families.
TAKE ACTION to tell Congress: Stop being a Grinch on Child Care!
Get your holiday merch NOW -> shipping DEADLINE is December 10!
Celebrate yourself, and all the moms and mom-figures in your life by giving the gift of MomsRising merch! We have for you some fresh spins on our classic “Outside Voices” shirts, and brand new bold “Big Mom Energy” gear. You can feel great about gearing yourself up to represent, or gifting these pieces. All proceeds will support MomsRising’s mission of increasing family economic security, decreasing discrimination, and building a nation where both businesses and families can thrive.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
MomsRising.org strongly encourages our readers to post comments in response to blog posts. We value diversity of opinions and perspectives. Our goals for this space are to be educational, thought-provoking, and respectful. So we actively moderate comments and we reserve the right to edit or remove comments that undermine these goals. Thanks!