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Blog Carnivals

Breastfeeding – Making It Work

August 3, 2011
My son was born last year. Luckily, we had no trouble with the big latch on. I savored every moment of bonding with him as he nursed. Three months after his birth, I returned to work. And then the trouble began. I grudgingly adopted my Medela Pump in Style. But the little one didn’t want anything...
Vibhuti Mehra's picture

California Hospital Infant Feeding Policy-An Important First Step

August 3, 2011
As part of a long term strategy to have more California hospitals become Baby Friendly, or at least adopt breastfeeding policies, California WIC Association (CWA) is sponsoring SB 502 (Pavley and deLeon), the Hospital Infant Feeding Act. The bill requires all general acute care and special...

Good Day for Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding Expenses Get Covered Without Co-Pay

August 3, 2011
While everyone is talking about the historic win we received with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) accepting the full recommendations of the Institute of Medicine (IOM), making contraceptives available without co-pays, we shouldn’t forget the other great victories for women’s...

No politics in the lactation room

August 3, 2011
Along the stately halls of Capitol Hill offices, which house the work of the world's greatest deliberative body, are a few rooms with nicknames like the Lactation Station, the Milk Factory, and the Boob Cube. These are the lactation rooms for many of the nursing mothers of national politics, where...
Bill Bentley's picture

Celebrating World Breastfeeding Week: A Time to Engage Employers in the Breastfeeding Dialogue

August 3, 2011
As we celebrate World Breastfeeding Week, 170 countries will be taking part in activities to raise awareness about the benefits of breastfeeding to maternal and infant health around the world. This year’s theme is “ Talk to Me! Breastfeeding—a 3 D Experience ,” and focuses on using communication to...

Learning and Teaching the Art of Breastfeeding

August 3, 2011
The first baby I ever latched on was my own. My first son, born five years ago this week, gave me quite a scare in his first week of life. He lost more than 10% of his birth weight, didn't pee or poop for days, had a sunken soft spot and lips as dry as the desert. No matter what I tried, I just...

Cuts to Medicaid hurt kids and jobs

July 8, 2011
It's wrong, and ultimately ineffective, to balance the budget by cutting federal support ofhealth care. Both the House and White House budget proposals include cuts to Medicaidand Children's Health Insurance - but these programs should not be on the negotiating table. Cuts to Medicaid will cause...
Bill Bentley's picture

Do Congressional Leaders Not Get Sick?

July 7, 2011
The other day I witnessed a disturbing sight in my corner of the city on a street lined by multi-lanes and whizzing cars. A couple of kids about my kids’ ages – a 7-year-old boy and 4-year-old girl – were doing a big shopping – not candy! -- at Walgreens. I watched them check out, receive three...
Elisa Batista's picture

Why Medicaid Matters So Much for Young Adults

July 7, 2011
xMedicaid has historically been a lifeline for the very poor with children, for the disabled, and for the elderly. The 50 million already served should be reason enough to protect Medicaid from disastrous cuts currently being proposed in Congress. However, people may not realize just how important...

Saving Medicaid: Why The LGBT Community Should Care

July 7, 2011
In the banquet of spending cuts laid out as part of the debt negotiations, everyone seems to want a piece of Medicaid. Congress and the Administration are hungry for $4 trillion in savings, and while a powerful voting bloc of seniors helps protect Medicare, Medicaid serves people whose voices at...
