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Blog Carnivals

Sick in the City: Paid Sick Time and a Healthy Business Climate

July 28, 2010
We need federal legislation like the Healthy Families Act to guarantee paid sick time to all working Americans. But it’s possible to make significant progress even when Congress is slow to act. States and cities across the nation can take action independently to ensure that their own residents can...

Need for Paid Sick Days Never Takes a Holiday

July 28, 2010
It’s summer -- a time for neighborhood barbeques, family road trips, lazy and hazy days. Summer fun is an American tradition, reminding us that we all occasionally need a break from the stresses and challenges of our lives. Summer is a perfect time to remind ourselves that low-wage working women...
Linda Meric's picture

First They Ignore You...

July 28, 2010
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” -Mahatma Gandhi It wasn’t long ago that paid sick days didn’t register even a blip on the political radar. Outside the offices of a few dedicated policy wonks, it was virtually a non-issue. The problem was already...

Even Supermoms Can't Fight All Germs: Personal and Political Stories for Paid Sick Days

July 28, 2010
Welcome to the blog carnival on paid sick days! We've invited advocates, moms, and workers (and many contributers wear all three hats) to contribute their unique voices to this dynamic national conversation about the urgent need for for everyone to be able to earn paid sick days...
Kristin's picture

Letter From Immigrant Mothers in Phoenix

May 29, 2010
Phoenix, Arizona, May 25, 2010 I write on behalf of Latina immigrant mothers in Arizona, to share their experiences under the current anti-immigrant onslaught. I am a sociologist who has conducted research in the Phoenix area for over a decade, and therefore have followed events that affect...

A Salvadoran Immigrant Story

May 29, 2010
Countless demonstrations have taken place in a national effort to bring attention to the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act , also known as The Dream Act. In solidarity with the Dream Act, and the countless students who would benefit from this legislation, I share with you my...

Healthcare Blog Carnival!

September 14, 2009
Welcome to our HealthCare Blog Carnival! We've rounded up some of the most interesting, useful stories and analysis on healthcare reform, focusing on posts that speak to the impact of healthcare on families. Browse through and enjoy. We've got something for everyone, from personal stories to...
Anita's picture
